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→‎Script: - updated with new changes
key lastCollider;//uuid of the last avi to collide with this object
integer lastDay; //day of the month at the last point we checked
integer lastMonth; //month at the year at the last point we checked
integer lastYear; //year at the last point we checked
list daysOfMonthNotecards;//used while processing change of month
list monthsOfYearNotecards; //used while processing change of year
integer totalVisitorsCalculation; //used while processing change of month
list lastPeriodsVisitors; //used while processing change of month
list admins;//list of people allowed to access the counters menu
list ignore;//list of people who will not be counted by the visitor counter.
integer menuListen; //used to aid in tracking the listener...shouldn't be needed working aorund OS bugs
list notecardsToProcess; //used when processing a new month or year, temp storage of notecard names
integer debug = TRUEFALSE;integer displayComsChannel = -6827416;
integer GetDate (string dayMonthYear)
else if (dayMonthYear == "Year") toReturn = llList2Integer(dateComponents, 0); //year
return toReturn;
} //close GetDate
todaysVisitorsUUIDs = []; //clear the list of visitors uuid's
if (lastMonth != month) ProcessNewMonth(month, year);
llRegionSay(displayComsChannel, "Reset");
}//close process new day
string homeUri = osGetAvatarHomeURI(uuidToCheck);//get the avatars home grid
string newVisitor = cleanName + "," + homeUri; //this is the line we add to the visitors list
todaysVisitors += newVisitor;//add the line abive to todays visitors list. llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS, 93827334, uuidToCheck, NULL_KEY); //linked message to helpers llRegionSay(displayComsChannel, uuidToCheck);
if (debug) llOwnerSay("Debug:ProcessDetectedAvatars:" + newVisitor + "added to todays visitors list");
}//close if not on the list already
collision_start(integer total_number)
integer colliderIndex = 0; for (colliderIndex; colliderIndex < total_number; colliderIndex++) { integer detectedType = llDetectedType(0colliderIndex); if (detectedType == 1 || detectedType == 3 || detectedType == 5) { //only process avatars, no bots or physical objects key detectedUUID = llDetectedKey(0colliderIndex); if (detectedUUID != lastCollider) { //if this is the same avi just standing on the dector don't process them lastCollider = detectedUUID; ProcessDetectedAvatars(); }//close if not last collider }//close if detected type is an avatar }
}//close collision event
admins = [];
integer detectedIndex = 0;
key toucher = llDetectedKey(0);
if (~llListFindList(admins, (list)toucher))
}//close if toucher is on list
//else llRegionSayTo(toucher, PUBLIC_CHANNEL, "Sorry you are not on the admin list and can not use this item.");
}//close touch start event

Navigation menu