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== AV-Sitter2 to PMAC conversion script – Introduction ==
The Covey AV-Sitter2 to PMAC conversion script reads AV-Sitter position cards and converts them to PMAC menus. AV-Sitter uses 2 scripts per avatar and another for setting up pose positions. PMAC, written Aine Caoimhe is a single script. AV-Sitter has a few features PMAC does not support and can be used in Second Life.
AV-Sitter can have many configurations. Animations are grouped by menu and button names. In each sitter, the Menu Name must match. When matching menu names are found, it drops down to line by line checking, only pairing matching button names.
== The Script ==Also available on [ GitHub ], [ Fire And Ice Grid Blog] and on in the [ Fire And Ice Grid ] at the [ Covey Stores ] And [ Welcome Region]. ==== Licence ====<syntaxhighlight lang="ini" line>BSD 3-Clause LicenseCopyright (c) 2020, Sara PayneAll rights reserved.Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or withoutmodification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission.THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS"AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THEIMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AREDISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLEFOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIALDAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS ORSERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVERCAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY,OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USEOF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.</syntaxhighlight>
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//if you use the debug option it's suggested you comment them out section by sec
{ //AvSitter uses x,y,z rotations, PMAC uses quaternion rotations, so convert them.
list tempList = [];
integer braceIndex = llSubStringIndex(noTimes, "}");
string fixedRotation;
string fixedOffset;
if (braceIndex != -1)
{ //only deal with lines wich contain a } (pos/rot line)
fixedRotation = ConvertLineToRotationsConvertLineToRotationsAndFixOffset(noTimes); //convert this line to real rotations
WriteNotecard("FixedRotations", tempList);
WriteNotecard(string name, list contents)
{ //writes a notecard with the supplied name and contents
/* /The conversion script relies on the contents of notecards, Ensure the notecards are deleted and saved before continuing. */
integer inventoryType;
if (llGetInventoryType(name) == INVENTORY_NOTECARD)
DebugOwnerSayListContents(string name, list toDisplay)
{ //outputs the contents of a list nicely to local chat for the owner.
list ReverseListOrder(list inputList)
{ //reverses the order of a list.
return reverseList;
 string ConvertLineToRotations ConvertLineToRotationsAndFixOffset (string inputString)
{ //takes in the AVpos format and outputs PMAC format
string name = "{"+ NameFromPositionsLine(inputString) + "}";
vector posVec = (vector)PosFromPositionsLine(inputString);
vector rotVec = (vector)RotFromPositionsLine (inputString);
vector fixedOffset = posVec - <0,0,0.3>;
rotation rotRot = llEuler2Rot(rotVec * DEG_TO_RAD); //the actual conversion
string fixedString = name + (string)posVec fixedOffset + (string)rotRot;
return fixedString;
list GetSpecificNotecardCards (string searchString)
{ //uses a partial name string to return all matching notecards from the items inventory
return sitterNotecards;
string MenuNameFromMenuLine(string inputString)
return menuName;
string NameFromPositionsLine(string inputString)
return nValue;
string PosFromPositionsLine(string inputString)
return vValue;
string RotFromPositionsLine (string inputString)
return rotValue;
string RemoveTimes(string inputString)
return trimed;
string GetPoseName (string inputString)
return lValue;
string GetAnimName (string inputString)
return lValue;
string GetSitterNumberFromMenuCardName(string menuCardName)
return sitterNumber;
string GetMenuNameFromMenuCardName(string menuCardName)
return name;
string GetButtonNameFromPmacLine(string inputString)
return name;
{ //splits the AVpos card down into individual sitters
WriteNotecard("Sitter" + (string)sitterCount, tempSitterList);
list GetSitterSyncsAndMenus(string notecardName)
{ //loops through the named notecard looking for lines which start with SYNC, MENU or { (pos/rot lines)
return sitterSyncsAndMenus;
list GetSitterPOSEs(string notecardName)
{ //loop through the supplied notecard name saving just pose names and related pos/rot lines
return sitterPoses;
{ //makes new notecards with the sync and poses seperated
{ //loops through every sitter card making new serpate cards for poses (not syncs) and their related pos/rot
GeneratePoseToSyncCards(list poseCards, list newSyncNames)
{ //loops through all pose cards line by line, looking for names with the same button names
{ //loops though every pose card and attempts to find pairs which should be used together.
{ //takes the new sync cards (made from pair poses) and combines
list AllLinesWithOrWithoutBraces(string cardName, integer with)
{ //loops through the given notecard name, if the "with" integer is TRUE
return newList;
GenerateNewSinglesCard(list newSyncNames)
{ //loops through all poses in all the sitter cards, checks to see if they have matching
WriteNotecard(".menu001A Singles", newSinglesMenu);
list SitterWithNoEmptyMenus (string cardName)
{ //loop through the card name provided, create a new list which contains
return newList;
{ //removes all the menu structure, preseving just the ones which directly deliver animation buttons
{ //loops though the inventory removing any temp notecards created during the conversion
list GetMenuLinePositions(string sitterCard)
{ //loops through the sitter card, making list of all line positions containing MENU lines
return menuLinePositions;
{ //goes through each sitter card making invidiual menu notecards for every sitter
string FindMatchingDataLine(string buttonName, string sitterNumber)
{ //loops through the Sitter card for the sitter number provided
return dataLine;
{ //loops through all the temp menu cards, for each one it loops through every
list GetCombinedSitter0MenuData(string menuCardName, string dataCardName)
{ //takes the supplied names, retrieves the data from both and combines it line by line.
return combinedMenuDataCard;
{ //gets a list of all Menu cards and all Data cards then passes them in
list GetRelatedMenuSitterCards(string menuName)
{ //finds all temp menu cards related to the supplied name and returns the list
return relatedMenuCards;
string GetAnimNameFromRelatedMenuCard(string relatedMenuCardName, string buttonName)
{ //All card entries can be out of order, so search through every line until a match is found and return the information.
return animName;
string GetPosRotFromRelatedDataCard(string relatedDataCardName, string buttonName)
{ //All card entries can be out of order, so search through every line until a match is found and return the information.
WriteNotecard(pmacMenuCardName, pmcaMenuCard);
{ //loop through each of the MenuData cards, find the related cards and pass them one by one to the
llOwnerSay("Conversion Started");
llOwnerSay("Sorting singles poses");
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