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== AV-Sitter2 to PMAC conversion script – Introduction ==
The Covey AV-Sitter2 to PMAC conversion script reads AV-Sitter position cards and converts them to PMAC menus. AV-Sitter uses 2 scripts per avatar and another for setting up pose positions. PMAC, written Aine Caoimhe is a single script. AV-Sitter has a few features PMAC does not support and can be used in Second Life.
==== Licence ====
<syntaxhighlight lang="ini" line>
BSD 3-Clause License
Copyright (c) 2020, Sara Payne
//if you use the debug option it's suggested you comment them out section by sec
{ //AvSitter uses x,y,z rotations, PMAC uses quaternion rotations, so convert them.
list tempList = [];
integer braceIndex = llSubStringIndex(noTimes, "}");
string fixedRotation;
string fixedOffset;
if (braceIndex != -1)
{ //only deal with lines wich contain a } (pos/rot line)
fixedRotation = ConvertLineToRotationsConvertLineToRotationsAndFixOffset(noTimes); //convert this line to real rotations
WriteNotecard("FixedRotations", tempList);
WriteNotecard(string name, list contents)
{ //writes a notecard with the supplied name and contents
/* /The conversion script relies on the contents of notecards, Ensure the notecards are deleted and saved before continuing. */
integer inventoryType;
if (llGetInventoryType(name) == INVENTORY_NOTECARD)
DebugOwnerSayListContents(string name, list toDisplay)
{ //outputs the contents of a list nicely to local chat for the owner.
list ReverseListOrder(list inputList)
{ //reverses the order of a list.
return reverseList;
 string ConvertLineToRotations ConvertLineToRotationsAndFixOffset (string inputString)
{ //takes in the AVpos format and outputs PMAC format
string name = "{"+ NameFromPositionsLine(inputString) + "}";
vector posVec = (vector)PosFromPositionsLine(inputString);
vector rotVec = (vector)RotFromPositionsLine (inputString);
vector fixedOffset = posVec - <0,0,0.3>;
rotation rotRot = llEuler2Rot(rotVec * DEG_TO_RAD); //the actual conversion
string fixedString = name + (string)posVec fixedOffset + (string)rotRot;
return fixedString;
list GetSpecificNotecardCards (string searchString)
{ //uses a partial name string to return all matching notecards from the items inventory
return sitterNotecards;
string MenuNameFromMenuLine(string inputString)
return menuName;
string NameFromPositionsLine(string inputString)
return nValue;
string PosFromPositionsLine(string inputString)
return vValue;
string RotFromPositionsLine (string inputString)
return rotValue;
string RemoveTimes(string inputString)
return trimed;
string GetPoseName (string inputString)
return lValue;
string GetAnimName (string inputString)
return lValue;
string GetSitterNumberFromMenuCardName(string menuCardName)
return sitterNumber;
string GetMenuNameFromMenuCardName(string menuCardName)
return name;
string GetButtonNameFromPmacLine(string inputString)
return name;
{ //splits the AVpos card down into individual sitters
WriteNotecard("Sitter" + (string)sitterCount, tempSitterList);
list GetSitterSyncsAndMenus(string notecardName)
{ //loops through the named notecard looking for lines which start with SYNC, MENU or { (pos/rot lines)
return sitterSyncsAndMenus;
list GetSitterPOSEs(string notecardName)
{ //loop through the supplied notecard name saving just pose names and related pos/rot lines
return sitterPoses;
{ //makes new notecards with the sync and poses seperated
{ //loops through every sitter card making new serpate cards for poses (not syncs) and their related pos/rot
GeneratePoseToSyncCards(list poseCards, list newSyncNames)
{ //loops through all pose cards line by line, looking for names with the same button names
{ //loops though every pose card and attempts to find pairs which should be used together.
{ //takes the new sync cards (made from pair poses) and combines
list AllLinesWithOrWithoutBraces(string cardName, integer with)
{ //loops through the given notecard name, if the "with" integer is TRUE
return newList;
GenerateNewSinglesCard(list newSyncNames)
{ //loops through all poses in all the sitter cards, checks to see if they have matching
WriteNotecard(".menu001A Singles", newSinglesMenu);
list SitterWithNoEmptyMenus (string cardName)
{ //loop through the card name provided, create a new list which contains
return newList;
{ //removes all the menu structure, preseving just the ones which directly deliver animation buttons
{ //loops though the inventory removing any temp notecards created during the conversion
list GetMenuLinePositions(string sitterCard)
{ //loops through the sitter card, making list of all line positions containing MENU lines
return menuLinePositions;
{ //goes through each sitter card making invidiual menu notecards for every sitter
string FindMatchingDataLine(string buttonName, string sitterNumber)
{ //loops through the Sitter card for the sitter number provided
return dataLine;
{ //loops through all the temp menu cards, for each one it loops through every
list GetCombinedSitter0MenuData(string menuCardName, string dataCardName)
{ //takes the supplied names, retrieves the data from both and combines it line by line.
return combinedMenuDataCard;
{ //gets a list of all Menu cards and all Data cards then passes them in
list GetRelatedMenuSitterCards(string menuName)
{ //finds all temp menu cards related to the supplied name and returns the list
return relatedMenuCards;
string GetAnimNameFromRelatedMenuCard(string relatedMenuCardName, string buttonName)
{ //All card entries can be out of order, so search through every line until a match is found and return the information.
return animName;
string GetPosRotFromRelatedDataCard(string relatedDataCardName, string buttonName)
{ //All card entries can be out of order, so search through every line until a match is found and return the information.
WriteNotecard(pmacMenuCardName, pmcaMenuCard);
{ //loop through each of the MenuData cards, find the related cards and pass them one by one to the
llOwnerSay("Conversion Started");
llOwnerSay("Sorting singles poses");
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