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Created page with "== AV-Sitter2 to PMAC conversion script – Introduction == The Covey AV-Sitter2 to PMAC conversion script reads AV-Sitter position cards and converts them to PMAC menus. AV-S..."
== AV-Sitter2 to PMAC conversion script – Introduction ==
The Covey AV-Sitter2 to PMAC conversion script reads AV-Sitter position cards and converts them to PMAC menus. AV-Sitter uses 2 scripts per avatar and another for setting up pose positions. PMAC, written Aine Caoimhe is a single script. AV-Sitter has a few features PMAC does not support and can be used in Second Life.

== About PMAC ==
The Paramour Multi-Animation Controller (PMAC) is a no pose ball script system. Use PMAC in almost any piece of furniture to animate multiple avatars simultaneously. PMAC reads notecards directly and uses significantly fewer resources than AV-Sitter, map or many others.

== AV-Sitter2 to PMAC conversion script – Instructions ==
Add the conversion script to a prim containing an AV-Sitter positions notecard (AVpos). Script status is in local chat and so is a finish notice. New PMAC menu cards are in the item inventory. Next add the PMAC core script, default animation and configuration notecard.

== Important – Work on a copy ==
Please work on a copy, this script does not convert all AV-Sitter features to PMAC

=== Single Menus ===
PMAC handles singles differently to AV-Sitter. When a singles menu is used only one sitter is enabled. To try and work around this, the script looks for singles poses with matching button names from each sitter. If found it will turn the two or more matching singles poses into a set of 2 or more that work like Av-Sitter SYNCS (Couples poses). If a name has no match, it is a single menu.entry.

=== Menu And Button Names ===
AV-Sitter can have many configurations. Animations are grouped by menu and button names. In each sitter, the Menu Name must match. When matching menu names are found, it drops down to line by line checking, only pairing matching button names.

Also available on GitHub and on the Fire And Ice Grid at the Covey Stores And Welcome Region.

<syntaxhighlight lang="lsl" line>
integer menuCardNumber = 2; //used at the end when writing the new menu cards
string AvPosCardName = "AVpos"; //name of the Av-sitter positions card
integer debug = FALSE; //turns this on to see debug output, this generates a LOT of local chat output
//if you use the debug option it's suggested you comment them out section by sec

{ //AvSitter uses x,y,z rotations, PMAC uses quaternion rotations, so convert them.
list tempList = [];
integer lineNumber;
integer notecardLines = osGetNumberOfNotecardLines(AvPosCardName);
for (lineNumber = 0; lineNumber < notecardLines; lineNumber++)
{ //loops through each line of the notecard
string initial = osGetNotecardLine(AvPosCardName, lineNumber);
string noTimes = RemoveTimes(initial);
integer braceIndex = llSubStringIndex(noTimes, "}");
string fixedRotation;
if (braceIndex != -1)
{ //only deal with lines wich contain a } (pos/rot line)
fixedRotation = ConvertLineToRotations(noTimes); //convert this line to real rotations
{ //only deal with lines that do not contain a } (pos/rot line)
fixedRotation = noTimes;
tempList += fixedRotation; //add the line to the temp list
//write the temp list to a notecard
WriteNotecard("FixedRotations", tempList);
WriteNotecard(string name, list contents)
{ //writes a notecard with the supplied name and contents
The conversion script relies on the contents of notecards, Ensure the notecards are deleted and saved before continuing.
integer inventoryType;
if (llGetInventoryType(name) == INVENTORY_NOTECARD)
inventoryType = llGetInventoryType(name);
while (inventoryType > -1) //-1 means it doesn't exist
{ //wait to make sure the removal is complete before going on
inventoryType = llGetInventoryType(name);
osMakeNotecard(name, contents);
inventoryType = llGetInventoryType(name);
while (inventoryType != INVENTORY_NOTECARD)
{ //wait for the write to finish before going on
inventoryType = llGetInventoryType(name);
DebugOwnerSayListContents(string name, list toDisplay)
{ //outputs the contents of a list nicely to local chat for the owner.
string output = "Debug:ListContents:" + "\n" + "ListName: " + name;
integer index;
for (index = 0; index < llGetListLength(toDisplay); index++)
{ //loop through every line of the list outputting to local chat
llOwnerSay(llList2String(toDisplay, index));
list ReverseListOrder(list inputList)
{ //reverses the order of a list.
list reverseList;
integer index;
for (index = llGetListLength(inputList)-1; index >= 0 ; index--)
{ //loops through the list backwards, adding each line to a new list
reverseList += llList2String(inputList, index);
return reverseList;
string ConvertLineToRotations (string inputString)
{ //takes in the AVpos format and outputs PMAC format
string name = "{"+ NameFromPositionsLine(inputString) + "}";
vector posVec = (vector)PosFromPositionsLine(inputString);
vector rotVec = (vector)RotFromPositionsLine (inputString);
rotation rotRot = llEuler2Rot(rotVec * DEG_TO_RAD); //the actual conversion
string fixedString = name + (string)posVec + (string)rotRot;
return fixedString;
list GetSpecificNotecardCards (string searchString)
{ //uses a partial name string to return all matching notecards from the items inventory
list sitterNotecards;
integer numOfNotecards = llGetInventoryNumber(INVENTORY_NOTECARD);
integer index;
for (index = 0; index < numOfNotecards; index++)
{ //loops through every notecard in the inventory
string notecardName = llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_NOTECARD, index);
string testName = llGetSubString(notecardName, 0, llStringLength(searchString)-1);
if (testName == searchString)
{ //if we find a match add it to the list
sitterNotecards += notecardName;
return sitterNotecards;
string MenuNameFromMenuLine(string inputString)
integer spaceChar = llSubStringIndex(inputString, " ");//find the space character
string menuName = llStringTrim(llGetSubString(inputString, spaceChar +1, -1), STRING_TRIM); //remove everythign before the space
return menuName;
string NameFromPositionsLine(string inputString)
integer charBracket = llSubStringIndex(inputString, "}"); //find the } character
string nValue = llGetSubString(inputString, 1, charBracket-1); //remove curley brackets and position data
return nValue;
string PosFromPositionsLine(string inputString)
integer charLess = llSubStringIndex (inputString, "<"); // find the first < character
integer charMore = llSubStringIndex (inputString, ">"); // find the first > character
string vValue = llGetSubString (inputString, charLess, charMore); // removed everything except the vector
return vValue;
string RotFromPositionsLine (string inputString)
integer charMore = llSubStringIndex (inputString, ">"); // find the first > character
string rotValue = llGetSubString (inputString, charMore+1, -1); //remove everything except the rotation vector
return rotValue;
string RemoveTimes(string inputString)
integer charStart = llSubStringIndex(inputString, "◆");//find the position of the real start of the line and discard all before it
string trimed = llGetSubString(inputString, charStart+1, -1); //remove everything before the "◆"
return trimed;
string GetPoseName (string inputString)
integer charLine = llSubStringIndex(inputString,"|"); //find the | seperator character
string lValue = llGetSubString (inputString, 0, charLine-1); // remove everything after the |
return lValue;
string GetAnimName (string inputString)
integer charLine = llSubStringIndex(inputString, "|"); // find the | seperator
string lValue = llGetSubString(inputString, charLine+1, -1); //remove everythign before the |
return lValue;
string GetSitterNumberFromMenuCardName(string menuCardName)
list elements = llParseStringKeepNulls(menuCardName, "_", ""); //make a list seperated by underscores
string sitterNumber = llList2String(elements, 2); //retrieve the sitter number from the list
return sitterNumber;
string GetMenuNameFromMenuCardName(string menuCardName)
list elements = llParseStringKeepNulls(menuCardName, "_", "");//make a list seperated by underscores
string name = llList2String(elements, 3);//retrieve the name number from the list
return name;
string GetButtonNameFromPmacLine(string inputString)
integer barIndex = llSubStringIndex(inputString, "|");// find the | seperator
string name = llGetSubString(inputString, 0, barIndex-1); //remove everything after the |
return name;
{ //splits the AVpos card down into individual sitters
list tempSitterList;
integer sitterCount = -1; //start at -1 so that we don't save contents before the first SITTER line
integer lineNumber;
integer notecardLines = osGetNumberOfNotecardLines("FixedRotations");
for (lineNumber = 0; lineNumber < notecardLines; lineNumber++)
{ //loop through ever line of the AVpos notecard
string currentLine1 = osGetNotecardLine("FixedRotations", lineNumber);
if (currentLine1 != "")
{ //ignore blank lines
string test = llGetSubString(currentLine1, 0, 3);
string test2 = llGetSubString(currentLine1, 0, 0);
if (test == "SITT")
{ //do something for SITTER line found
if (sitterCount > -1)
{ //if we find a new SITTER line write the contents of the temp list to a notecard
WriteNotecard("Sitter" + (string)sitterCount, tempSitterList);
tempSitterList = [];//clear the list ready to start again
else if (test == "MENU" || test == "POSE" || test == "SYNC" || test2 == "{")
{ //only deal with the menus, poses, syncs and pos/rot lines
tempSitterList += currentLine1; //add info to the new list

//write a notecard containing all needed information for this sitter
WriteNotecard("Sitter" + (string)sitterCount, tempSitterList);
list GetSitterSyncsAndMenus(string notecardName)
{ //loops through the named notecard looking for lines which start with SYNC, MENU or { (pos/rot lines)
//adds them to the new list as they are found
list sitterSyncsAndMenus;
list poseNames;
integer lineNumber;
for (lineNumber = 0; lineNumber < osGetNumberOfNotecardLines(notecardName); lineNumber++)
{ //loops through every line of the notecard
string currentLine2 = osGetNotecardLine(notecardName, lineNumber);
string testPose = llGetSubString(currentLine2, 0, 3);
string testAnimData = llGetSubString(currentLine2, 0, 0);
string testPoseName;
if (testPose == "SYNC")
{ //for every SYNC line remove the word SYNC and the space, retrieve the pose name from the remainder
//and add the pose name to the list of pose names
string withoutTitle = llStringTrim(llGetSubString(currentLine2, 5, -1), STRING_TRIM);
sitterSyncsAndMenus += withoutTitle;
testPoseName = GetPoseName(withoutTitle);
poseNames += testPoseName;
else if (testPose == "MENU")
{ //add ever Menu line to the list
sitterSyncsAndMenus += currentLine2;
else if (testAnimData == "{")
{ //come here for every pos/rot line, check the name and if it matches
//add it to the list
integer closeBraceIndex = llSubStringIndex(currentLine2, "}");
string lineAnimName = llGetSubString(currentLine2, 1, closeBraceIndex-1);
if(~llListFindList(poseNames, (list)lineAnimName))
{ //if the name matches any of the ones added to the pose list earlier, add the line
//to the main list.
sitterSyncsAndMenus += currentLine2;
return sitterSyncsAndMenus;
list GetSitterPOSEs(string notecardName)
{ //loop through the supplied notecard name saving just pose names and related pos/rot lines
list sitterPoses;
list poseNames;
integer lineNumber;
for (lineNumber = 0; lineNumber < osGetNumberOfNotecardLines(notecardName); lineNumber++)
{ //loops through every line in the notecard
string currentLine2 = osGetNotecardLine(notecardName, lineNumber);
string testPose = llGetSubString(currentLine2, 0, 3);
string testAnimData = llGetSubString(currentLine2, 0, 0);
string testPoseName;
if (testPose == "POSE")
{ //checks each pose line, retrieves the name then adds the name to the poses list
string withoutTitle = llStringTrim(llGetSubString(currentLine2, 5, -1), STRING_TRIM);
sitterPoses += withoutTitle;
testPoseName = GetPoseName(withoutTitle);
poseNames += testPoseName;
else if (testAnimData == "{")
{ //checks every pos/rot line, if the name matches one save earlier add it to the list
integer closeBraceIndex = llSubStringIndex(currentLine2, "}");
string lineAnimName = llGetSubString(currentLine2, 1, closeBraceIndex-1);
if(~llListFindList(poseNames, (list)lineAnimName))
{ //if the lines name matches one in the pose list add the whole line to the main list
sitterPoses += currentLine2;
return sitterPoses;
{ //makes new notecards with the sync and poses seperated
//along with their related pos/rot information.
{ //loops through every sitter card making new serpate cards for poses (not syncs) and their related pos/rot
list sitterNotecards = GetSpecificNotecardCards("Sitter");
integer sitterCardIndex;
for(sitterCardIndex = 0; sitterCardIndex < llGetListLength(sitterNotecards); sitterCardIndex++)
{ //loops through every sitter notecard
string cardName = llList2String(sitterNotecards, sitterCardIndex);
list sitterPoses = GetSitterPOSEs(cardName);
list sitterPosRotData;
integer lineIndex;
for (lineIndex = llGetListLength(sitterPoses)-1; lineIndex >=0; lineIndex--)
{ //add all lines with braces to the sitte pos/rot list and remove from sitter poses list
string currentLine3 = llList2String(sitterPoses, lineIndex);
integer hasBraces = llSubStringIndex(currentLine3, "}");
if (hasBraces > -1)
{ //takes every pos/rot line and adds it to the pos/rot line list
if (debug) llOwnerSay("Debug:BracesLine: " + currentLine3);
sitterPosRotData += currentLine3;
sitterPoses = llDeleteSubList(sitterPoses, lineIndex, lineIndex);
//write out both cards, reversing the order of the pos/rot card so it matches the order of the menu card.
WriteNotecard("Poses " + cardName, sitterPoses);
sitterPosRotData = ReverseListOrder(sitterPosRotData);
WriteNotecard("DataPoses " + cardName, sitterPosRotData);
GeneratePoseToSyncCards(list poseCards, list newSyncNames)
{ //loops through all pose cards line by line, looking for names with the same button names
//assumes these are supposed to be paied up and makes new SYNC menus from them.
list newSyncPoses;
list newSyncData;
integer poseCardIndex;
for (poseCardIndex = 0; poseCardIndex < llGetListLength(poseCards); poseCardIndex++)
{ //loops through each card
string cardName = "Poses Sitter" + (string)poseCardIndex;
integer cardLength = osGetNumberOfNotecardLines(cardName);
if(debug) llOwnerSay("Debug:ReadingCard: " + cardName);
integer lineIndex;
newSyncPoses = [];
newSyncData = [];
string menu = "MENU Social-A";
newSyncPoses += menu;
for (lineIndex = 0; lineIndex < cardLength; lineIndex++)
{ //loops through each line in the given notecard
string posesLine = osGetNotecardLine("Poses Sitter" + (string)poseCardIndex, lineIndex);
string dataLine = osGetNotecardLine("DataPoses Sitter" + (string)poseCardIndex,lineIndex);
string poseName = GetPoseName (posesLine);
if (debug) llOwnerSay("Debug:CheckingPoseName: " + poseName);
if (~llListFindList(newSyncNames, (list)poseName))
{ //come here if the current pose name is found in the new sync names list
if (debug) llOwnerSay("Debug:Found" + poseName);
string newPoseLine = "SYNC " + posesLine;
newSyncPoses += newPoseLine;
newSyncData += dataLine;
list combinedList = newSyncPoses + newSyncData;
WriteNotecard("PoseToSyncSitter" + (string)poseCardIndex, combinedList);
{ //loops though every pose card and attempts to find pairs which should be used together.
//then makes a list of real single only poses and pairs to treat as syncs, pmac singles
//don't allow others to sit, so better to pair them up when possible.
list posesCards = GetSpecificNotecardCards("Poses Sitter");
integer posesCardIndex;
list poseNamesSitter0;
list newSyncNames;
list newSinglesNames;
if (debug) DebugOwnerSayListContents("list of poses cards", posesCards);
//loop through all cards checking for duplicate pose names, store them in newSyncNames
for (posesCardIndex = 0; posesCardIndex < llGetListLength(posesCards); posesCardIndex++)
{ //loops through each card, checking against sitter 0
integer lineIndex;
string notecardName = llList2String(posesCards, posesCardIndex);
integer notecardLength = osGetNumberOfNotecardLines(notecardName);
for (lineIndex = 0; lineIndex < notecardLength; lineIndex++)
string currnetLine = osGetNotecardLine(notecardName, lineIndex);
string poseName = GetPoseName (currnetLine);
if (posesCardIndex == 0)
poseNamesSitter0 += poseName;
if(~llListFindList(poseNamesSitter0, (list)poseName))
{ //come here if poseName is found in sitter0
if (!(~llListFindList(newSyncNames, (list)poseName)))
{ //come here only if the pose is not already in the new sync names
newSyncNames += poseName;
{ //come here if the pose is not found in sitter 0
if (!(~llListFindList(newSinglesNames, (list)poseName)))
{ //come here only if the pose is not already in the new sync names
newSinglesNames += poseName;
GeneratePoseToSyncCards(posesCards, newSyncNames);
{ //takes the new sync cards (made from pair poses) and combines
//these new menus with the original sitter cards ready for sync set processing
list sitterCards = GetSpecificNotecardCards ("Sitter");
integer sitterCardIndex;
for (sitterCardIndex = 0; sitterCardIndex < llGetListLength(sitterCards); sitterCardIndex++)
list newSitterCard;
string currentLine;
string CardName = "Sitter" + (string)sitterCardIndex;
newSitterCard += AllLinesWithOrWithoutBraces (CardName, FALSE);
CardName = "PoseToSyncSitter" + (string)sitterCardIndex;
newSitterCard += AllLinesWithOrWithoutBraces (CardName, FALSE);
CardName = "Sitter" + (string)sitterCardIndex;
newSitterCard += AllLinesWithOrWithoutBraces (CardName, TRUE);
CardName = "Sitter" + (string)sitterCardIndex;
newSitterCard += AllLinesWithOrWithoutBraces (CardName, TRUE);
if (debug) DebugOwnerSayListContents("New Sitter " + (string)sitterCardIndex + " card", newSitterCard);
WriteNotecard("Sitter" + (string)sitterCardIndex, newSitterCard);
list AllLinesWithOrWithoutBraces(string cardName, integer with)
{ //loops through the given notecard name, if the "with" integer is TRUE
//adds all lines with braces to a list. If the "with" is FALSE all lines
//without braces are added to the list.
list newList;
integer CardLength = osGetNumberOfNotecardLines(cardName);
integer lineNumber;
//add lines without braces from the sitter card
for (lineNumber = 0; lineNumber < CardLength; lineNumber++)
{ //loops through the whole notecards
string currentLine = osGetNotecardLine(cardName, lineNumber);
integer hasBraces = llSubStringIndex(currentLine, "{");
{ //we want all lines with braces
if (hasBraces > -1)
newList += currentLine;
{ //we want all lines without braces
if (hasBraces == -1)
newList += currentLine;
return newList;
GenerateNewSinglesCard(list newSyncNames)
{ //loops through all poses in all the sitter cards, checks to see if they have matching
//entries in the newSyncNames list, if they don't ass them to a list of real single
//poses and writes the note card when the list is complelete
if (debug) llOwnerSay("Debug:GenerateNewSinglesCard: Entered");
integer posesSitter0Line;
list posesCards = GetSpecificNotecardCards("Poses Sitter");
if (debug) DebugOwnerSayListContents("posesCards", posesCards);
if (debug) DebugOwnerSayListContents("sync names list", newSyncNames);
list newSinglePoses;
list newSinglePosesData;
integer posesCardIndex;
for (posesCardIndex = 0; posesCardIndex < llGetListLength(posesCards); posesCardIndex++)
{ //loops through each poses card card
integer lineIndex;
string notecardName = llList2String(posesCards, posesCardIndex);
if (debug) llOwnerSay("Debug:CheckingCard: " + notecardName);
integer notecardLength = osGetNumberOfNotecardLines(notecardName);
for (lineIndex = 0; lineIndex < notecardLength; lineIndex++)
{ //loops through every line of the current poses card
string currentLine4 = osGetNotecardLine(notecardName, lineIndex);
string poseName = GetPoseName (currentLine4);
if (debug) llOwnerSay("Debug: checking pose name: " + poseName);
integer matchFound = FALSE;
integer newSyncNamesIndex = 0;
//now check this line against every line of new sync names
while (!matchFound && newSyncNamesIndex < llGetListLength(newSyncNames))
{ //loops through the sync poses checking for a match, keeps going until it finishes withou
//a result or finds a match
string newSyncNamesLine = llList2String(newSyncNames, newSyncNamesIndex);
if(debug) llOwnerSay("Debug:Checking:" + currentLine4 + " against " + newSyncNamesLine);
if (poseName == newSyncNamesLine)
{ //come here if a a match has been found, stop the loop
if(debug) llOwnerSay("Debug:MatchFound");
matchFound = TRUE;
if (!matchFound)
{ //loop though the sync cards has ended, no match found, add this item to the singles list
//add the data from the same animations and button names to to another list.
if (debug) llOwnerSay("Debug: Not Found");
string newSinglePosesLine = osGetNotecardLine("Poses Sitter" + (string)posesCardIndex, lineIndex);
string newSinglePosesDataLine = osGetNotecardLine("DataPoses Sitter" + (string)posesCardIndex, lineIndex);
newSinglePoses += newSinglePosesLine;
newSinglePosesData += newSinglePosesDataLine;
if (debug)
DebugOwnerSayListContents("newSinglePoses", newSinglePoses);
DebugOwnerSayListContents("newSinglePosesData", newSinglePosesData);
//now turn the two new lists above into a menu card for PMAC
integer newSinglePosesIndex;
list newSinglesMenu; //list to hold the new singles menu
for (newSinglePosesIndex = 0; newSinglePosesIndex < llGetListLength(newSinglePoses); newSinglePosesIndex++)
{ //loops through each of the new singles poses entries, makes the PMAC line and adds to the list ready for writing
string lineFromPoses = llList2String(newSinglePoses, newSinglePosesIndex);
string lineFromData = llList2String(newSinglePosesData, newSinglePosesIndex);
if (debug) llOwnerSay("Debug:LineFromPoses: " + lineFromPoses);
if (debug) llOwnerSay("Debug:LineFromPosesData: " + lineFromData);
string buttonname = GetPoseName (lineFromPoses);
if (debug) llOwnerSay("Debug:ButtonName: " + buttonname);
string animName = GetAnimName (lineFromPoses);
string position = PosFromPositionsLine(lineFromData);
string rot = RotFromPositionsLine (lineFromData); //this is already a rotation just reusing a method.
string newEntry = buttonname + "|NO COM|" + animName + "|" + position + "|" + rot;
if(debug) llOwnerSay("Debug:AddedToSingleMenu: " + newEntry);
newSinglesMenu += newEntry;
if (debug) DebugOwnerSayListContents("new singels menu", newSinglesMenu);
//everything added, write the notecard.
WriteNotecard(".menu001A Singles", newSinglesMenu);
//now the poses have bene converted to syncs or written to their own PMAC menu
//remove them from the SITTER cards so they can be processed as just sync's
list sitterCards = GetSpecificNotecardCards ("Sitter");
integer sitterCardIndex;
for (sitterCardIndex = 0; sitterCardIndex < llGetListLength(sitterCards); sitterCardIndex++)
{ //loop through each sitter card, inside each one remove any pose related lines
string cardName = llList2String(sitterCards, sitterCardIndex);
list sitterWithNoPoses = GetSitterSyncsAndMenus(cardName);
if (debug) DebugOwnerSayListContents("newSitter" + (string)sitterCardIndex, sitterWithNoPoses);
WriteNotecard(cardName, sitterWithNoPoses);
list SitterWithNoEmptyMenus (string cardName)
{ //loop through the card name provided, create a new list which contains
//non of the menus which only make up a menu structure, keep the ones which
//contain animation buttons.
list newList;
integer lineIndex;
integer cardLength = osGetNumberOfNotecardLines(cardName);
for (lineIndex = 0; lineIndex < cardLength; lineIndex++)
{ //loops through each line of the notecard
string thisLine = osGetNotecardLine(cardName, lineIndex);
string testMenu = llGetSubString(thisLine, 0, 3);
string testBraces = llGetSubString(thisLine, 0, 0);
string testPoseName;
if (testMenu == "MENU")
{ //come here only if the line starts with MENU
if (debug) llOwnerSay("Debug: Menu Line Found");
string nextLine = osGetNotecardLine(cardName, lineIndex + 1);
string nextLineMenuTest = llGetSubString(nextLine, 0, 3);
if (nextLineMenuTest != "MENU")
{ //if the next line is not also MENU add this line
newList += thisLine;
else if (testBraces = "{")
{ //keep everything which is not a Menu line
newList += thisLine;
return newList;
{ //removes all the menu structure, preseving just the ones which directly deliver animation buttons
list sitterCards = GetSpecificNotecardCards ("Sitter");
integer sitterCardIndex;
for (sitterCardIndex = 0; sitterCardIndex < llGetListLength(sitterCards); sitterCardIndex++)
string cardName = llList2String(sitterCards, sitterCardIndex);
list SitterNoEmptyMenus = SitterWithNoEmptyMenus(cardName);
if (debug) DebugOwnerSayListContents("newSitter" + (string)sitterCardIndex, SitterNoEmptyMenus);
WriteNotecard(cardName, SitterNoEmptyMenus);
{ //loops though the inventory removing any temp notecards created during the conversion
list testStrings = ["DataPoses Sitter", "FixedRotations", "Poses Sitter", "PoseToSyncSitter", "Data_Sitter", "Menu_Sitter", "MenuData_Sitter", "Sitter"];
list testResults;
integer numOfNotecards = llGetInventoryNumber(INVENTORY_NOTECARD);
integer notecardIndex;
for (notecardIndex = numOfNotecards -1; notecardIndex >=0; notecardIndex--)
{ //loops through the inventory
string notecardName = llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_NOTECARD, notecardIndex);
integer testIndex;
for (testIndex = 0; testIndex < llGetListLength(testStrings);testIndex++)
{ //checks each name against the ones in the list to remove
string testString = llList2String(testStrings,testIndex);
string testResult = llGetSubString(notecardName, 0, llStringLength(testString)-1);
if (testString == testResult)
{ //when a match is found, remove it.
if (debug) llOwnerSay("Debug:RemoveTempCards:Removed: " + notecardName);
list GetMenuLinePositions(string sitterCard)
{ //loops through the sitter card, making list of all line positions containing MENU lines
integer sitterCardLength = osGetNumberOfNotecardLines(sitterCard);
integer lineIndex;
list menuLinePositions;
integer dataStartLine;
for(lineIndex = 0; lineIndex < sitterCardLength; lineIndex++)
{ //loops through each line of the sittercard
string currentLine = osGetNotecardLine(sitterCard, lineIndex);
string menuTest = "MENU";
string testResult = llGetSubString(currentLine, 0, llStringLength(menuTest)-1);
if (menuTest == testResult)
{ //add this line number to the list
menuLinePositions += lineIndex;
if (debug) llOwnerSay("Debug:GetMenuLinePositions:List: " + llList2CSV(menuLinePositions));
return menuLinePositions;
{ //goes through each sitter card making invidiual menu notecards for every sitter
list sitterCards = GetSpecificNotecardCards ("Sitter");
integer sitterCardIndex;
for (sitterCardIndex = 0; sitterCardIndex < llGetListLength(sitterCards); sitterCardIndex++)
{ //loops through each sitter card
string sitterCardName = llList2String(sitterCards, sitterCardIndex);
list menuLinePositions = GetMenuLinePositions(sitterCardName);
list newMenuCardLines;
integer menuIndex;

for (menuIndex = 0; menuIndex < llGetListLength(menuLinePositions); menuIndex++)
{ //loops through each menu entry for this sitter
newMenuCardLines = [];
integer menuStartLine = llList2Integer(menuLinePositions, menuIndex) +1; //+1 avoids adding the actual menu line which is no longer required
integer menuEndLine;
if(menuIndex != llGetListLength(menuLinePositions)-1)
{ //if its not the last entry, the end point is the start of the next menu
menuEndLine = llList2Integer(menuLinePositions, menuIndex+1);
{ //if this is the last menu, set the end to the end of the notecard
menuEndLine = osGetNumberOfNotecardLines(sitterCardName)-1; //-1 to ensure we stop at the bottom of the card
integer menuLineIndex;
for (menuLineIndex = menuStartLine; menuLineIndex < menuEndLine; menuLineIndex++)
{ //add each line that forms part of this menu to the new menu card
string currentLine = osGetNotecardLine(sitterCardName, menuLineIndex);
integer isData = llSubStringIndex(currentLine, "}");
if (isData == -1)
newMenuCardLines += currentLine;
string menuName = MenuNameFromMenuLine(osGetNotecardLine(sitterCardName,menuStartLine-1)) ; //-1 to get the actual menu line
string newCardName = "Menu_Sitter_" + (string)sitterCardIndex + "_" + menuName;
WriteNotecard(newCardName, newMenuCardLines);
string FindMatchingDataLine(string buttonName, string sitterNumber)
{ //loops through the Sitter card for the sitter number provided
//looking for the button name provided inside the pos/rot lines
//if one is found, return it
string dataLine;
string sitterCardName = "Sitter" + sitterNumber;
integer cardLength = osGetNumberOfNotecardLines(sitterCardName);
integer lineIndex = cardLength-1;
integer matchFound = FALSE;
while (!matchFound && lineIndex >= 0)
{ //start from the bottom and loop until a match is found, positions are always at the bottom of the card
string currentLine = osGetNotecardLine(sitterCardName, lineIndex);
integer isPosRot = llSubStringIndex(currentLine, "}");
if (isPosRot)
{ //only look at pos/rot lines
string lineName = NameFromPositionsLine(currentLine);
if (lineName == buttonName)
{ //if a match is found add it to the list
dataLine = currentLine;
matchFound = TRUE;
return dataLine;
{ //loops through all the temp menu cards, for each one it loops through every
//line and then retrieves the matching pos/rot line in the appropriate sitter card
//using this to make a dedicated pos/rot DATA card for the menu being processed.
list menuCards = GetSpecificNotecardCards ("Menu_");
integer menuCardIndex;
list dataLines;
for (menuCardIndex = 0; menuCardIndex < llGetListLength(menuCards); menuCardIndex++)
dataLines = []; //clear this to make a new one each time
string cardName = llList2String(menuCards, menuCardIndex);
string sitterNumber = GetSitterNumberFromMenuCardName(cardName);
string menuName = GetMenuNameFromMenuCardName(cardName);
integer cardLength = osGetNumberOfNotecardLines(cardName);
integer cardLineIndex;
for (cardLineIndex = 0; cardLineIndex < cardLength; cardLineIndex++)
{ //loops through the current menu card line by line
string cardLine = osGetNotecardLine(cardName, cardLineIndex);
string buttonname = GetPoseName (cardLine);
string dataLine = FindMatchingDataLine(buttonname, sitterNumber);
dataLines += dataLine;
string newCardName = "Data_Sitter_" + sitterNumber + "_" + menuName ;
WriteNotecard(newCardName, dataLines);
list GetCombinedSitter0MenuData(string menuCardName, string dataCardName)
{ //takes the supplied names, retrieves the data from both and combines it line by line.
//the returned list will make a MenuData temp notecard.
list combinedMenuDataCard;
integer menuCardLength = osGetNumberOfNotecardLines(menuCardName);
integer dataCardLength = osGetNumberOfNotecardLines(dataCardName);
integer menuCardLineIndex;
integer dataCardLineIndex;
for (menuCardLineIndex = 0; menuCardLineIndex < menuCardLength; menuCardLineIndex++)
{ //loops through each line of the menu card
string menuCardLine = osGetNotecardLine(menuCardName, menuCardLineIndex);
string menuButtonName = GetPoseName (menuCardLine);
string animName = GetAnimName (menuCardLine);
integer dataSitter0CardIndex = 0;
integer matchFound = FALSE;
while (!matchFound && dataSitter0CardIndex < dataCardLength)
string dataCardLine = osGetNotecardLine(dataCardName, dataSitter0CardIndex);
string dataButtonName = NameFromPositionsLine(dataCardLine);
if (menuButtonName == dataButtonName)
matchFound = TRUE;
string dataPos = PosFromPositionsLine(dataCardLine);
string dataRot = RotFromPositionsLine (dataCardLine);
string toAdd = menuButtonName + "|NO COM|" + animName + "|" + dataPos + "|" + dataRot;
combinedMenuDataCard += toAdd;
return combinedMenuDataCard;
{ //gets a list of all Menu cards and all Data cards then passes them in
//pairs to the combine method.
list menuSitter0Cards = GetSpecificNotecardCards ("Menu_Sitter_0");
list dataDitter0Cards = GetSpecificNotecardCards ("Data_Sitter_0");
integer menuSitter0CardIndex;
for (menuSitter0CardIndex = 0; menuSitter0CardIndex < llGetListLength(menuSitter0Cards); menuSitter0CardIndex++)
string sitter0MenuCardName = llList2String(menuSitter0Cards, menuSitter0CardIndex);
string sitter0DataCardName = llList2String(dataDitter0Cards, menuSitter0CardIndex);
string menuName = GetMenuNameFromMenuCardName(sitter0MenuCardName);
list combinedSitter0MenuData = GetCombinedSitter0MenuData(sitter0MenuCardName, sitter0DataCardName);
WriteNotecard("MenuData_Sitter_0_" + menuName, combinedSitter0MenuData);
if (debug) DebugOwnerSayListContents("sitter0MenuData_" + menuName, combinedSitter0MenuData);
list GetRelatedMenuSitterCards(string menuName)
{ //finds all temp menu cards related to the supplied name and returns the list
list menuSitterCards = GetSpecificNotecardCards ("Menu_Sitter");
list relatedMenuCards;
integer menuCardIndex;
for (menuCardIndex = 0; menuCardIndex < llGetListLength(menuSitterCards); menuCardIndex++)
{ //start loop at 0 incase there is only 1 entry, but ignore the first first loop as we do not want sitter 0
string currentCardName = llList2String(menuSitterCards, menuCardIndex);
string currentMenuName = GetMenuNameFromMenuCardName(currentCardName);
string sitterNumber = GetSitterNumberFromMenuCardName(currentCardName);
if (currentMenuName == menuName && sitterNumber != "0")
{ //ignore sitter 0 since it is the one we are working from, don't duplicate it.
relatedMenuCards += currentCardName;
return relatedMenuCards;
string GetAnimNameFromRelatedMenuCard(string relatedMenuCardName, string buttonName)
{ //All card entries can be out of order, so search through every line until a match is found and return the information.
string animName = "";
integer cardLength = osGetNumberOfNotecardLines(relatedMenuCardName);
integer cardIndex = 0;
integer matchFound = FALSE;
while (!matchFound && cardIndex < cardLength)
string cardLine = osGetNotecardLine(relatedMenuCardName, cardIndex);
string poseName = GetPoseName (cardLine);
if (poseName == buttonName)
animName = GetAnimName (cardLine);
matchFound = TRUE;
return animName;
string GetPosRotFromRelatedDataCard(string relatedDataCardName, string buttonName)
{ //All card entries can be out of order, so search through every line until a match is found and return the information.
string posRotData = "";
integer cardLength = osGetNumberOfNotecardLines(relatedDataCardName);
integer cardIndex = 0;
integer matchFound = FALSE;
while (!matchFound && cardIndex < cardLength)
string cardLine = osGetNotecardLine(relatedDataCardName, cardIndex);
string poseName = NameFromPositionsLine(cardLine);
if (poseName == buttonName)
string pos = PosFromPositionsLine(cardLine);
string rot = RotFromPositionsLine (cardLine);
posRotData = pos + "|" + rot;
matchFound = TRUE;
return posRotData;

CombineMenuDataCardWithRelatedCards(string menuDataCard, string menuName, list relatedMenuCards)
{ //take every line in the menuData card, find its corresponding line in each related card and combine the information.
//then add the combined line to a list, at the end return the list.
list pmcaMenuCard;
integer cardLength = osGetNumberOfNotecardLines(menuDataCard);
integer cardLineIndex;
for (cardLineIndex = 0; cardLineIndex < cardLength; cardLineIndex++)
string currentLine = osGetNotecardLine(menuDataCard, cardLineIndex);
string buttonName = GetButtonNameFromPmacLine(currentLine);
integer relatedCardsIndex;
string newLine = currentLine;
for (relatedCardsIndex = 0; relatedCardsIndex < llGetListLength(relatedMenuCards); relatedCardsIndex++)
string relatedMenuCardName = llList2String(relatedMenuCards, relatedCardsIndex);
string relatedCardSitter = GetSitterNumberFromMenuCardName(relatedMenuCardName);
string relatedDataCardName = "Data_Sitter_" + relatedCardSitter + "_" + menuName;
string animName = GetAnimNameFromRelatedMenuCard(relatedMenuCardName, buttonName);
string posRot = GetPosRotFromRelatedDataCard(relatedDataCardName, buttonName);
string extraToAdd = "|" + animName + "|" + posRot;
newLine += extraToAdd;
pmcaMenuCard += newLine;
string pmacMenuCardName = ".menu" + "022A " + menuName;
WriteNotecard(pmacMenuCardName, pmcaMenuCard);
{ //loop through each of the MenuData cards, find the related cards and pass them one by one to the
//combine card method.
menuCardNumber = 2;
list menuDataSitter0Cards = GetSpecificNotecardCards ("MenuData_Sitter_0");
integer cardIndex;
for (cardIndex = 0; cardIndex < llGetListLength(menuDataSitter0Cards); cardIndex++)
string currentCardName = llList2String(menuDataSitter0Cards, cardIndex);
string menuName = GetMenuNameFromMenuCardName(currentCardName);
list releatedMenuSitterCards = GetRelatedMenuSitterCards(menuName);
if (debug) llOwnerSay("Debug:CombineMenuAndDataCards:ProcessingMenu: " + menuName);
if (debug) DebugOwnerSayListContents(menuName + " related cards: ", releatedMenuSitterCards);
CombineMenuDataCardWithRelatedCards(currentCardName, menuName, releatedMenuSitterCards);
if (llGetInventoryType("AVpos") != INVENTORY_NOTECARD)
llOwnerSay("AVpos card not found, aborting");
llOwnerSay("Conversion Started");
llOwnerSay("Sorting singles poses");
llOwnerSay("Preparing to convert SYNC's");
llOwnerSay("Creating Temp Menu cards");
llOwnerSay("Creating Temp Position/Rotation cards");
llOwnerSay("Creating PMAC menu cards");
llOwnerSay("Clearing up temporary notecards");
llOwnerSay("Finished! You should find your new PMAC menu cards inside");


Navigation menu