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120,141 bytes added ,  22:54, 31 August 2021
updated the control script with minor fix to work around y-engine event bug
[[Category: Scripted Tools]]
[[Category: Building Tools]]
[[Category: Opensim Script Library]]
The Covey Rez Pro Holodeck system can be used as a basic Pack and Rez tool; however, it is capable of much more. Full instruction videos are on [ Manwa Pastorelli's YouTube Channel]<br>
Get Your Copy at [ Covey Stores] on the [ Fire And Ice Grid] <br>
 The Covey Rez Pro Holodeck system can be used as a basic Pack and Rez tool; however, it is capable of much more. Full instruction videos are on [ Manwa Pastorelli's YouTube Channel]<br> LSL scripts also available on [ Manwa Pastorelli's GitHub]<br> 
* Create Rez Sets (scene switching)
* [ Fake phantom protection]
* [ Position and rotate without using the viewer]
=== Script On Github ===
[ LSL And OSSL Script Library On GitHub]
==== Licence ====
<syntaxhighlight lang="ini" line>
BSD 3-Clause License
Copyright (c) 2020, Sara Payne
All rights reserved.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
==Control Script==
<syntaxhighlight lang="lsl" line>
Covey Rez Pro System - Control Script
Do not adjust settings below this line unless you know what you are doing!
//coms system
integer itemsComsChannel = -83654730;
integer rezBoxComsChannel = -83654729;
integer rezBoxComsChannelListen;
integer rezBoxChannel = -234576914; //stores the rez box to rez box coms
integer rezBoxChannelListen; // used to turn the listener on and off
integer mainMenuChannel; //global integer for menu channel
integer mainMenuChannelListen;//clobal control integer for turning menu listen on and off
integer dynamicMenuChannel; //global integer for dynamic menu channel
integer dynamicMenuChannelListen;//clobal control integer for turning menu listen on and off
integer textBoxChannel; //global integer for dynamic menu channel
integer textBoxChannelListen;//lobal control integer for turning menu listen on and off
integer apiRegionChannelIn;//global integer for the api channel inbound
integer apiRegionChannelOut;//global integer for the api channel out;
integer apiRegionChannelListen; //global control for the api listener.
integer allowPosRecording;//true means box talks to position requests, false it does not.
//instuction processing
string confirmationMenuType; //used to tell the method what we are confirming
string rezDerezMode; //string which tells the method to rez or derez specified item
integer chatFeedback = TRUE; //used to decide if feedback is given in local chat
integer displayHoverText = FALSE; // used to decide if hover text information is displayed
integer apiLinkedMessage; //on/off control for the linked message api inbound and outbound
integer apiRegionSay; //on/off status for the listener and output in regionsay
integer recallMenu; // set to true when instruction from menu set, fals when its from the api, if true the menu gets called after
integer relativePos = FALSE; // if true items rez and move relative to the rez box, if false rez in original sim position and rotation
vector currentPos; //stores the current position of the rez box
rotation currentRot; //stores the current rotation of the rez box
integer rezBoxSetNo; //stores the set number for items rezzed by the box, avoids cross talk with multiple rez box's
integer itemsRezzed = FALSE; //True means the box has items rezzed, false means nothing is rezzed from this box
integer rexBoxPhantom; //used to define and control the phantom status
integer rexBoxAlpha; //used to define and control the alpha status
string textBoxMessageType;//used to set the type of message being processed by the text box.
integer autoPickup = FALSE; // defines if auto pickup is on or off, gets passed to the items script
integer underGroundMovement = FALSE; // defines if the system will try and move items under ground. Enable this only in sims which allow underground movement.
list itemPositions; //used as a temp store to calc the average angle between the rez box and the items rezzed
integer dialogMenu = TRUE; //use to control if dialogmenus are active
integer timerCount; //used to turn off the relative mode timer
integer debug = FALSE;
//dynamic menu for individual rezzing of items
list dynamicMenuButtonNumbers;//dynamic menu button nynbers generated from the nanes list;
list reservedButtons = ["Back", "MainMenu", "Next"]; // permanant buttons on the dynamic menu
list tempMenuButtons; //used to store temp menu entries.This is the list which gets displayed in the dialog statement.
integer menuLength; //used to store the length of the menu being worked on
integer currentPageNumber; //used to store the current page number
integer numOfPages; //used to store the total number of pages in this menu
integer dynamicButtonsPerPage; //the number of spaces left after the reserved buttons
integer reservedButtonsPerPage; //number of reserved buttoons per page
string pageMessage; //used to set the page message in the dynamic menu
integer inventoryType; //sets the inventory type for use in text box and dynamic menu responses
integer ChkIsVec (string inputString)
{ //returns a true bool if the supplied string can be typecasted to a vector successfully
integer isVec;
vector chkVec = (vector)inputString;
string startProcess = llStringTrim ((inputString), STRING_TRIM);
integer startIndex = (llSubStringIndex(startProcess, "<")+1);
integer endIndex = (llSubStringIndex(startProcess, ">")-1);
startProcess = llGetSubString(startProcess, startIndex, endIndex);
list stringParts = llCSV2List(startProcess);
string strX = llStringTrim( (llList2String(stringParts,0)), STRING_TRIM);
string strY = llStringTrim( (llList2String(stringParts,1)), STRING_TRIM);
string strZ = llStringTrim( (llList2String(stringParts,2)), STRING_TRIM);
float fltX = (float) strX;
float fltY = (float) strY;
float fltZ = (float) strZ;
vector reformedVec = <fltX, fltY, fltZ>;
if (inputString == "") isVec = FALSE;
else if ((chkVec - reformedVec) == <0,0,0>) isVec = TRUE;
else isVec = FALSE;
return isVec;
}//close check is vector
integer CheckMoveLimits(vector targetPos)
{// check the ground height where the item is to be rezzed and make sure its not under ground. Then check its not trying to move off sim or above the cieling height for rezzing.
integer moveIsValid;
float GroundHeight = llGround(targetPos-llGetPos() ); //get ground height where item is to be moved to
vector simSizeVec = osGetRegionSize(); //gets the region size as sa vector
integer simSize = (integer)simSizeVec.x; //converts vec to int
if ((GroundHeight < targetPos.z) && (targetPos.z < 10000) && (targetPos.y < simSize) && (targetPos.x < simSize)) moveIsValid = TRUE; // if inside sim limits set move is valid to true
else moveIsValid = FALSE; //set move is valid to false
return moveIsValid;
}//close check rez limits
integer contains(string haystack, string needle)
{ //returns true if a needle is found inside the heystack
return ~llSubStringIndex(haystack, needle); //returns integer
}// close contains
{//sets the coms channel and the random menu channel then turns the listeners on.
mainMenuChannel = (integer)(llFrand(-1000000000.0) - 1000000000.0); //generates random main menu channel
mainMenuChannelListen = llListen(mainMenuChannel, "", NULL_KEY, "");//sets up main menu listen integer
rezBoxChannelListen = llListen(rezBoxComsChannel, "", NULL_KEY, "");//sets up coms channel listen integer
dynamicMenuChannel = (integer)(llFrand(-1000000000.0) - 1000000000.0); //generates random dynamic menu channel
dynamicMenuChannelListen = llListen(dynamicMenuChannel, "", NULL_KEY, "");//sets up dynamic menu listen integer
textBoxChannel = (integer)(llFrand(-1000000000.0) - 1000000000.0); //generates random dynamic menu channel
textBoxChannelListen = llListen(textBoxChannel, "", NULL_KEY, "");//sets up dynamic menu listen integer
rezBoxChannelListen = llListen(rezBoxChannel, "", NULL_KEY, "");
rezBoxComsChannelListen = llListen(rezBoxComsChannel, "", NULL_KEY, "");
llListenControl (mainMenuChannelListen, TRUE); //turns on listeners for main menu channel
llListenControl (dynamicMenuChannelListen, FALSE); //turns off listeners for dynamic menu channel
llListenControl (textBoxChannelListen, FALSE); //turns off listeners for dynamic menu channel
llListenControl (rezBoxChannelListen, TRUE); // turns on listeners for the rezbox channel
llListenControl (rezBoxComsChannelListen, TRUE);
}//close set up listeners
{ //sets up the api listeners
apiRegionChannelIn = rezBoxSetNo;
apiRegionChannelOut = rezBoxSetNo *-1;
apiRegionChannelListen = llListen(apiRegionChannelIn, "", NULL_KEY, "");//sets up coms channel listen integer
if (apiRegionSay) llListenControl (apiRegionChannelListen, TRUE); // turns on listeners for the rezbox channel
else llListenControl (apiRegionChannelListen, FALSE); // turns off listeners for the rezbox channel
}//close set up api listeners
string GenUpdatePosDataString()
{ //makes the string sent to items for positons
string data = (string)currentPos + "," + (string)currentRot + "," + (string)relativePos + "," + (string)autoPickup + "," + (string)underGroundMovement;
return data;
}//close gen position data string
MessageItems(string which, string instruction, string data, key UUID)
{ //sends a message to all items or a single item depending on the "which" string
string toSend = (string)rezBoxSetNo + "," + instruction + ":" + data;
if (which == "All") llRegionSay(itemsComsChannel, toSend); //send message to all items
else if (which == "SingleItem") llRegionSayTo(UUID, itemsComsChannel, toSend); //send message to specific item
}//closwe message items
MessageRezBoxs(string instruction, string data)
{ //sends messages to other rez boxs on the sim
string toSend = instruction + "," + data;
llRegionSay(rezBoxChannel, toSend);
}//close message rez box's
MessageFeedback(string instruction, string data)
{ //sends feedback through the api and local chat if enabled.
string toSend = instruction + "," + data;
if (apiLinkedMessage) llMessageLinked(LINK_ALL_OTHERS, (apiRegionChannelOut), toSend, "" );
if (apiRegionSay) llRegionSay((apiRegionChannelOut), toSend);
if (chatFeedback) llOwnerSay(instruction + ": " + data);
} //close send feedback.
MessageRezScript (string message, string message2)
{ //sends a linked message to the rez script
integer num = 10000;
llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS, num, message, message2);
}//close send linked message to rez script
{ //displays the main menu and turns off unrequired listeners and clears un-needed lists if present.
list MainMenuList = ["Rez/DeRez", "Finalise", "RezMode", "PosRecMenu", "InfoDisplay", "ApiControls", "ReTexure", "Done"]; //main menu items list
llListenControl (dynamicMenuChannelListen, FALSE); //turns off listeners for dynamic menu channel
llListenControl (textBoxChannelListen, FALSE); //turns on listeners for dynamic menu channel
string pageMessage = "";
dynamicMenuButtonNumbers = []; //clears the dynamic numbers list
llDialog(llGetOwner(), "Please Make your selection", MainMenuList , mainMenuChannel);
}//close display main menu
{ //displays the api menu
string line0 = "Please Choose From The Following: \n\n";
string line1 = "RegionOn = Turn on the API listener and RegionSay messages \n" +
"RegionOff = Turn off the API listener and RegionSay messages \n" +
"LinkedOn = Turns on processing and sending of API Linked Messages \n" +
"LinkedOff = Turns off the processing and sending of API linked messages \n" +
"ShowBoxNum = Shows the rez box number in local chat";
string menuMessage = line0 + line1;
list apiMenuList = ["RegionOn", "RegionOff", "LinkedOn", "LinkedOff", "ShowBoxNum", "MainMenu"];
llDialog(llGetOwner(), menuMessage, apiMenuList, mainMenuChannel);
}//close display api menu
{ //displays the single items dialog menu
string line0 = "Please Choose From The Following: \n\n";
string line1 = "RezItemList = choose item to rez using the menu" + " \n" +
"DelItemList = choose item to de-rez from menu" + " \n" +
"RezName = Type in the name of the item to rez" + " \n" +
"DelName = Type in the name of the item to de-rez" + " \n" +
"ListItems = See box contents in local chat";
string menuMessage = line0+line1;
list SingleItemsMenuList = ["RezItemList", "DelItemList", "RezName", "DelName", "ListItems", "MainMenu"];
llDialog(llGetOwner(), menuMessage, SingleItemsMenuList , mainMenuChannel);
}///close single items dialog menu
{ //displays the rez sets menu to the user
string line0 = "Please Choose From The Following: \n\n";
string line1 = "RezSetList = choose rez set to rez from menu" + " \n" +
"DelSetList = choose res set to de-rez from menu" + " \n" +
"RezSetName = Type in the name of the rez set to rez" + " \n" +
"DelSetName = Type in the name of the rez set to de-rez" + " \n" +
"MakeRezSet = Make a rez set from inventory" + " \n" +
"ListSets = See rez sets in local chat";
string menuMessage = line0+line1;
list rezSetMenuList = ["RezSetList", "DelSetList", "RezSetName", "DelSetName", "MakeRezSet", "ListSets", "MainMenu"];
llDialog(llGetOwner(), menuMessage, rezSetMenuList , mainMenuChannel);
}//close rez sets menu
{ //displays the rez/derez menu to the user
string line0 = "Please Choose From The Following: \n\n";
string line1 = "RezAll = Rez All Items" + " \n" +
"DeRezAll = De-Rez All Items" + " \n" +
"RezSets = Rez Sets Menu" + " \n" +
"SingleItems = Single Items Menu" + "\n" +
"ForceUpdate = Force items to update their positions" + "\n" +
"SlowRezAll = Rez all items slowly";
string menuMessage = line0 + line1;
list rezDerezMenuList = ["RezAll", "DeRezAll", "RezSets", "SingleItems", "ForceUpdate", "SlowRezAll", "MainMenu"];
llDialog(llGetOwner(), menuMessage, rezDerezMenuList, mainMenuChannel);
}//close rez/derez menu
{//call res mode menu
string line0 = "Please Choose From The Following: \n\n";
string line1 = "Absolute = Return items to their original location" + "\n" +
"Relative = Move items in relation to the rez box position" + " \n" +
"AutoPickup = Put items into your inventory automatically" + " \n" +
"ManPickup = Pick up items yourself after recording" + " \n" +
"UndrGrndOn = Allow items to be placed under ground" + " \n" +
"UndrGrndOff = Do not allow items to be placed underground" + " \n" +
"TestRecOn = Test recorded status on" + " \n" +
"TestRecOff = Test recorded status off" ;
string menuMessage = line0 + line1;
list RezModeList = ["Absolute", "Relative", "AutoPickup", "ManPickup", "UndrGrndOn", "UndrGrndOff", "TestRecOn", "TestRecOff", "MainMenu"]; //Rez mode items list.
llDialog (llGetOwner(), menuMessage, RezModeList, mainMenuChannel);
}//close call rez mode menu
{//call pos record menu
string line0 = "Please Choose From The Following: \n\n";
string line1 = "RecOn = Turn on recording" + " \n" +
"RecOff =Turn off recording" + " \n" +
"AllowRePos = Prepares RezBox to change start position" + " \n" +
"SetRecPos = Sets the current position as start point" + "\n" +
"SetBoxPos = Sets the box to a given position on the sim" + " \n" +
"SetBoxRot = Sets the rotation of the box on the sim" + " \n" +
"PrepReRecrd = Prepares itemns so you can record by manually resetting the scripts" + " \n" +
"ReRecAll = Re Record the items rezzed" + " \n" +
"PrepBoxExch = Configures rezzed items to pickup and drop into a fresh rez box";
list PositionRecordingMenu = ["RecOn", "RecOff", "AllowRePos", "SetRecPos", "SetBoxPos", "SetBoxRot", "PrepReRecrd", "ReRecAll", "PrepBoxExch", "MainMenu"]; //list of recording menu buttons
string RePositionAllowed;
string menuMessage = line0 + line1;
llDialog (llGetOwner(), menuMessage, PositionRecordingMenu, mainMenuChannel);
}//close call position record menu
{ //displays the info displaymenu
string line0 = "Please Choose From The Following: \n\n";
string line1 = "ChatOn = Turns on feedback in local chat" + " \n" +
"ChatOff = Turns off feed back in local chat" + " \n" +
"TextSetting = Displays Settings in HoverText" + " \n" +
"TextContent = Displays Contents in HoverText" + " \n" +
"TextOff = Turns off hover text information" + "\n" +
"AplhaOn = Makes the rez box invisible" + " \n" +
"AlphaOff = Makes the rez box visible" + " \n" +
"PhantomOn = Make the rez box phantom" + " \n" +
"PhantomOff = Make the rez box solid";
list infoDisplayMenu = ["ChatOn", "ChatOff", "TextSetting", "TextOff", "TextContent", "AplhaOn", "AlphaOff", "PhantomOn", "PhantomOff", "MainMenu"]; //defines the button list
string menuMessage = line0 + line1;
llDialog (llGetOwner(), menuMessage, infoDisplayMenu, mainMenuChannel);
}//close display infoDisplayMenu
{ //displays yes no confirmation dialog menu
list confirmationMenu = ["Yes", "No"]; //defines the button list
string dialogMessage; //defines the message string
if (confirmationMenuType == "DelBoxInventoryObjects") dialogMessage = "Would you like to automatically remove items currently in the rez box?";
else if (confirmationMenuType == "AutoFixBoxRotationForRecording" ) dialogMessage = "Rez box mustbe rotated to <0,0,0> for recroding. \n Currently it is not. \n\n Would you like the p position setting automatically for you? \n\n Please note this will also de-rez any rezzed item you have";
llDialog (llGetOwner(), dialogMessage, confirmationMenu, mainMenuChannel); //sends menu to the user
}//close display confirmation dialog menu
TextBoxMenu (string instuctionType, string message)
{ //displays the text box dialog to the user
llListenControl (textBoxChannelListen, TRUE);
textBoxMessageType = instuctionType;
llTextBox(llGetOwner(), message, textBoxChannel );
}//close text box dialog menu
ProcessItemMessage(key listenRecievedKey, string listenRecievedMessage)
{//break down the message into a list and proccess then send response to item
list itemsInstructions = llCSV2List(listenRecievedMessage); //turn the recieved message into a list from comma seperated values
string recievedInstruction = llList2String(itemsInstructions, 0); //define the recieved instruction from list
if ((recievedInstruction == "OrigRezBoxPositionRequest") && allowPosRecording)
{ // do this if the instruction from the item is an original position request and we have recording turned on.
if (llGetRot() != <0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 1.00000>)
{ //come here if the roation of the box is not a zero vector
confirmationMenuType = "AutoFixBoxRotationForRecording"; //set the confirmation type
ConfirmationDialogueMenu(); //send confirmation to user
} //close if rotation is wrong
//if the box is not rotated correctly ask if they would like it autofixing
{ //come here if the box is rotated corrrectly
RecordCurrentPosRot(); // set the current pos
string data = GenUpdatePosDataString();
MessageItems("SingleItem", "RezBoxData", data, listenRecievedKey);
//send string RezBoxData , current position rotation and rez box set number back to item as comma seperated values
}// close else box is rotated correctly
}//close if original position request
else if (recievedInstruction == "RezedFromBox" )
{//do this is the instruction says item was just rezzed from a rez box
integer RecievedBoxNumber = (integer)llList2Integer(itemsInstructions, 1);//record the box number the item says it belongs to
if (RecievedBoxNumber == rezBoxSetNo) //check the number is the same as this box number
{//get current position and rotation then send back to item with instuction rez at the start
string data = GenUpdatePosDataString();
MessageItems("SingleItem", "Rez", data, listenRecievedKey);
// send rez instruction back to the item along with the box number, position and rotation as well as Rez Mode as comma seperated values.
}//close box number check
}//close if rezzed from box instruction
else if (recievedInstruction == "ItemPosition")
{ //come here if item is reporting its position for arror positioning
vector toAdd = llList2Vector (itemsInstructions, 1);
itemPositions += toAdd;
}//close if instruction is item positions
}//close process item message
ProcessRezBoxMessage(key id, string listenRecievedMessage)
{//process messages from other rez box's
list itemsInstructions = llCSV2List(listenRecievedMessage); //turn the recieved message into a list from comma seperated values
string recievedInstruction = llList2String(itemsInstructions, 0); //define the recieved instruction from list
string data = llList2String(itemsInstructions, 1);
if (recievedInstruction == "Recording" && data =="On")
{ //come here if another box sends a recording on signal
if (allowPosRecording)
{ //if recording is currently on come here
if (chatFeedback) llOwnerSay("Another rez box you own has turned on recording, disabling recording on this box"); //send upate to user if chatFeedback enabled
Recording("Off"); //turns off recording in this box
}//close if recording was enabled
} //close if instruction is turn off recording
}//close process box message
ProcessMainMenuResponse(key id, string listenRecievedMessage)
{// process menu responses and act accordingly.
recallMenu = TRUE;
//Itens From all or multiple menus
if (listenRecievedMessage == "MainMenu") MainDialogMenu();
else if (listenRecievedMessage == "Yes") ProcessYesComfirmation();
else if (listenRecievedMessage == "No") ProcessNoConfirmation();
//Main Menu
else if (listenRecievedMessage == "Rez/DeRez") RezDeRezMenuDialog();
else if (listenRecievedMessage == "PosRecMenu") PosRecordDialogMenu();
else if (listenRecievedMessage == "InfoDisplay") InfoDisplayDialogMenu();
else if (listenRecievedMessage == "Finalise") FinaliseItems();
else if (listenRecievedMessage == "ApiControls") ApiDialogMenu();
else if (listenRecievedMessage == "RezMode") RezModeDialogMenu();
else if (listenRecievedMessage == "ReTexure") ApplyShapeTexture(0);
//Rez / DeRez Menu
else if (listenRecievedMessage == "RezAll") RezItems();
else if (listenRecievedMessage == "DeRezAll") DeRezItems();
else if (listenRecievedMessage == "RezSets") RezSetsDialogMenu();
else if (listenRecievedMessage == "SingleItems") SingleItemsDialogMenu();
else if (listenRecievedMessage == "ForceUpdate") ForceUpdateItemPositons();
else if (listenRecievedMessage == "SlowRezAll") SlowRezAll();
//Positioning Menu
else if (listenRecievedMessage == "Absolute") PositioningMode("Absolute");
else if (listenRecievedMessage == "Relative") PositioningMode("Relative");
else if (listenRecievedMessage == "AutoPickup") ItemPickup("Auto");
else if (listenRecievedMessage == "ManPickup") ItemPickup("Manual");
else if (listenRecievedMessage == "UndrGrndOn") UnderGroundMovement ("On");
else if (listenRecievedMessage == "UndrGrndOff") UnderGroundMovement ("Off");
else if (listenRecievedMessage == "TestRecOn") TestRecordedItems("On");
else if (listenRecievedMessage == "TestRecOff") TestRecordedItems("Off");
//Record Mode Menu
else if (listenRecievedMessage == "RecOn") ChkBoxPosForRecording();
else if (listenRecievedMessage == "RecOff") Recording("Off");
else if (listenRecievedMessage == "AllowRePos") AllowBoxReposition();
else if (listenRecievedMessage == "SetRecPos") RecordCurrentPosRot();
else if (listenRecievedMessage == "SetBoxPos") SetBoxPosRotFromMenu("Position");
else if (listenRecievedMessage == "SetBoxRot") SetBoxPosRotFromMenu("Rotation");
else if (listenRecievedMessage == "ReRecAll") ReRecordAllItems();
else if (listenRecievedMessage == "PrepReRecrd") PrepReRecord();
else if (listenRecievedMessage == "PrepBoxExch") PrepItemBoxExchange();
//Info Display Menu
else if (listenRecievedMessage == "ChatOn") ChatFeedBack("On");
else if (listenRecievedMessage == "ChatOff") ChatFeedBack("Off");
else if (listenRecievedMessage == "TextSetting") HoverTextInfo("Settings");
else if (listenRecievedMessage == "TextContent") HoverTextInfo("Contents");
else if (listenRecievedMessage == "TextOff") HoverTextInfo("Off");
else if (listenRecievedMessage == "AplhaOn") RezBoxAlpha("On");
else if (listenRecievedMessage == "AlphaOff") RezBoxAlpha("Off");
else if (listenRecievedMessage == "PhantomOn") RexBoxPhantom("On");
else if (listenRecievedMessage == "PhantomOff") RexBoxPhantom("Off");
//Api Controls Menu
else if (listenRecievedMessage == "RegionOn") ApiRegionSay("On");
else if (listenRecievedMessage == "RegionOff") ApiRegionSay("Off");
else if (listenRecievedMessage == "LinkedOn") ApiLinkedMessage("On");
else if (listenRecievedMessage == "LinkedOff") ApiLinkedMessage("Off");
else if (listenRecievedMessage == "ShowBoxNum") DisplayBoxNumber();
//Single Items Menu
else if (listenRecievedMessage == "RezItemList") RemoveRezListItems("RezItems", INVENTORY_OBJECT);
else if (listenRecievedMessage == "DelItemList") RemoveRezListItems("RemItems", INVENTORY_OBJECT);
else if (listenRecievedMessage == "RezName") RemoveRezByName("RezItems", INVENTORY_OBJECT);
else if (listenRecievedMessage == "DelName") RemoveRezByName("RemItems", INVENTORY_OBJECT);
else if (listenRecievedMessage == "ListItems") RezBoxListToChat(INVENTORY_OBJECT);
//RezSets Menu
else if (listenRecievedMessage == "RezSetList") RemoveRezListItems("RezItems", INVENTORY_NOTECARD);
else if (listenRecievedMessage == "DelSetList") RemoveRezListItems("RemItems", INVENTORY_NOTECARD);
else if (listenRecievedMessage == "RezSetName") RemoveRezByName("RezItems", INVENTORY_NOTECARD);
else if (listenRecievedMessage == "DelSetName") RemoveRezByName("RemItems", INVENTORY_NOTECARD);
else if (listenRecievedMessage == "MakeRezSet") MakeRexSetNane();
else if (listenRecievedMessage == "ListSets") RezBoxListToChat(INVENTORY_NOTECARD);
}//close process menu responses
ProcessTextBoxResponse(key id, string message)
{ //processews the response from the text box and actions accordingly
recallMenu = TRUE;
if (textBoxMessageType == "RemRezItems")
{ //come here if the text box message type is Remove or Rez items
if(llGetInventoryType(message) == inventoryType )
{ //come her if the name given exists in the rez box
string itemToAction = message;
if (inventoryType == INVENTORY_OBJECT)
itemsRezzed = TRUE;
if (recallMenu) MainDialogMenu();
else if (inventoryType == INVENTORY_NOTECARD)
}// close if the item exists in the rez box
{ //named item doesn't existn send error message and go back to the single items menu
if (chatFeedback) llOwnerSay("Sorry that name does not exist, please try again");
if (recallMenu) SingleItemsDialogMenu();
}// close if item doesn't exist
}//close if text box message type is rem/rez items
else if (textBoxMessageType == "NewRezSetName") MakeRezSet(message);
else if (textBoxMessageType == "BoxPosition" ) RezBoxPos(message);
else if (textBoxMessageType == "BoxRotation") RezBoxRot(message);
}//close process text box response
{ //processes no responses to the confirmation menu
if (confirmationMenuType == "AutoFixBoxRotationForRecording")
{ //come here fi the menu was called due to auto fix rotation request
string message = "Recording not enabled, pleased manually fix the position and try again";
list buttons = ["Ok"];
if (chatFeedback) llOwnerSay (message);
llDialog (llGetOwner(), message, buttons, mainMenuChannel);//send an ok dialog to provide a warning
}//close if confirmation type is auto fix recording
else MainDialogMenu(); //otherwise send the main menu dialog
}//close process no confirmation
{//pprocess yes confirmation from dialog menu
if (confirmationMenuType == "DelBoxInventoryObjects")DelInventoryObjects();
if (confirmationMenuType == "AutoFixBoxRotationForRecording")
{ //come here if confirmation type is fix rotation for recording
if (itemsRezzed) DeRezItems();
vector vecRotDeg = llRot2Euler(llGetRot())*RAD_TO_DEG;
if (chatFeedback) llOwnerSay("Box rotation before fix was: " + (string)vecRotDeg);
} //close if convermation type is auto fix recording
}//close process yes confirmation
ProcessApiMessage(string message1)
ProcessApiMessage(message1, "");
ProcessApiMessage(string message1, string message2)
{ //process the api message and acts on the instruction
// string arrives in the format Level0Command,Level1Command
if(debug) llOwnerSay("Debug:Control:ProcessApiMessage: Entered");
list instructions = llCSV2List(message1);
string instruction = llList2String(instructions,0);
string data = llList2String(instructions,1);
if (debug) llOwnerSay("Debug:Control:ProcessApiMessage:" + "\n" + "Instruction: " + instruction + "\n" + "Data: " + data);
recallMenu = FALSE;
if (instruction == "RezItemsApi") RezItems();
else if (instruction == "DeRezItemsApi") DeRezItems();
else if (instruction == "FinaliseItemsApi") FinaliseItems();
else if (instruction == "PositioningModeApi") PositioningMode(data);
else if (instruction == "RecordingApi")
if (data == "On") ChkBoxPosForRecording();
else if (data == "Off") Recording(data);
else if (instruction == "BoxRePosApi") AllowBoxReposition();
else if (instruction == "SetBoxPosApi") RecordCurrentPosRot();
else if (instruction == "ReRecordAllItemsApi") ReRecordAllItems();
else if (instruction == "RezSingleItemApi")
if (debug) llOwnerSay("Debug:Control:ProcessApiMessage:RezSingleItem:RezDeRezIndividualItemsCalled");
rezDerezMode = "RezItems";
else if (instruction == "DeRezIndividualItemApi")
rezDerezMode = "RemItems";
else if (instruction == "RezRezSetApi")
rezDerezMode = "RezItems";
else if (instruction == "DeRezRezSetApi")
rezDerezMode = "RemItems";
else if (instruction == "HoverTextInfoApi") HoverTextInfo(data);
else if (instruction == "ChatFeedbackApi") ChatFeedBack(data);
else if (instruction == "RegionSayApi") ApiRegionSay(data);
else if (instruction == "LinkedMessageApi") ApiLinkedMessage(data);
else if (instruction == "RezBoxRotApi") RezBoxRot(data);
else if (instruction == "RezBoxPosApi") RezBoxPos(data);
else if (instruction == "DisplayBoxNumberApi") DisplayBoxNumber();
else if (instruction == "RexBoxPhantomApi") RexBoxPhantom(data);
else if (instruction == "RezBoxAlphaApi") RezBoxAlpha(data);
else if (instruction == "AllowBoxRepositionApi") AllowBoxReposition();
else if (instruction == "ItemPickupApi") ItemPickup(data);
else if (instruction == "UnderGroundMovementApi") UnderGroundMovement (data);
else if (instruction == "PrepItemBoxExchangeApi") PrepItemBoxExchange();
else if (instruction == "MakeRezSetApi") MakeRezSet(data);
else if (instruction == "ReRecordAllItemsApi") ReRecordAllItems();
else if (instruction == "PrepReRecordApi") PrepReRecord();
else if (instruction == "UnderGroundMovementApi") UnderGroundMovement(data);
else if (instruction == "ItemPickupApi") ItemPickup(data);
else if (instruction == "MakeRezSetApi") MakeRezSet(data);
else if (instruction == "DialogMenuStatusApi" ) DialogMenuStatus(data);
else if (instruction == "ForceUpdateItemPositonsApi") ForceUpdateItemPositons();
}//close process api message
ProcessDynamicMenuResponse(key id, string message)
{ // processes responses to the listen event
if (message == llList2String(reservedButtons, 0))
-- currentPageNumber; // button in this example is back so subtract 1 from the page number
DialogueMenu(dynamicMenuButtonNumbers); //call the menu again
else if (message == llList2String(reservedButtons, 1)) MainDialogMenu();
else if (message == llList2String(reservedButtons, 2) )
++ currentPageNumber; //button in this example is Next to add 1 to the page number and call the menu again
DialogueMenu(dynamicMenuButtonNumbers); //call the menu again
{ // come here if pressed button is not in the reserved list
if(~llListFindList(dynamicMenuButtonNumbers, (list)message))
{ //come her if the button pressed is in the dynamic buttons list
integer buttonIndex = (integer)message;
string itemToAction = llGetInventoryName( inventoryType, buttonIndex );//sets the name of the item to rez/derez
if (inventoryType == INVENTORY_OBJECT)
{ //if the menu is displaying inventory objects
itemsRezzed = TRUE;
if (recallMenu) MainDialogMenu();
}//close if displaying inventory notecards
else if (inventoryType == INVENTORY_NOTECARD)
{ //if the menu is displaying notecards
}//close if inventory is displaying notecards
}//close if item actually exists.
else if (chatFeedback) llOwnerSay ("Debug: Unknown button pressed"); //this shoud never happen!
}//close else this is a dynamic button response
}// close process messages from the listen event
DialogMenuStatus(string status)
{ //turns the dialog menu on an off
if (status == "Off") dialogMenu = FALSE;
else if (status == "On") dialogMenu = TRUE;
MessageFeedback("DialogMenuStatus", status);
}//close dialog menu status
integer ChkSlowRezCardExists()
{ //returns a true if the card is found
integer exists;
if (llGetInventoryType("SlowRes-AutoGen") == INVENTORY_NOTECARD) exists = TRUE;
else exists = FALSE;
return exists;
}//close chkj for slow rez card
{ //makes a rez set containing all itmes then uses rez-set to rez them as its much slower
MakeRezSet("SlowRes-AutoGen"); //makes the set containing all items
integer slowRezCardExists = FALSE; //sets the integer as false to begin the checking loop
while (!slowRezCardExists)
{ //holds the system in the loop untill notecard generation has finished
slowRezCardExists = ChkSlowRezCardExists(); //call the check on each loop
}//close the loop
rezDerezMode = "RezItems"; //sets the mode to rez so items rez when the next method is called
RezDeRezSet("SlowRes-AutoGen");//calls the rez rezset method
}//close slow rez all.
RezDeRezSet(string notecardName)
{ //come here to rez or de-rez a notecard list
if (rezDerezMode == "RezSet") rezDerezMode = "RezItems";
else if (rezDerezMode == "RemoveSet") rezDerezMode = "RemItems";
if (llGetInventoryType (notecardName) == INVENTORY_NOTECARD)
{ //come here if the named notecard exists
integer notecardLength = osGetNumberOfNotecardLines(notecardName);
integer lineIndex;
for (lineIndex = 0; lineIndex < notecardLength; ++ lineIndex)
string currentLine = llStringTrim(osGetNotecardLine(notecardName, lineIndex), STRING_TRIM);
string firstChar = llGetSubString(currentLine, 0, 0);
integer equalsIndex = llSubStringIndex(currentLine, "=");
string instruction = llToLower (llStringTrim(llGetSubString(currentLine, 0, equalsIndex-1), STRING_TRIM));
string itemName = llStringTrim(llGetSubString(currentLine, equalsIndex+1, -1), STRING_TRIM);
if (currentLine != "" && firstChar != "#" && equalsIndex != -1 && instruction == "itemname")
{ // if the lines not blank, doesn't begin with a #, contains an equals sign and has intstruction itemname do this
}//close loop through notecard
}//close if notecard exists
{ //come here if the notecard is not found
if (chatFeedback) llOwnerSay("Notecard: " + notecardName + "not found, please try again" );
if (recallMenu) RezSetsDialogMenu();
}//close if notecard not found
}//close RezDeRezSet
TestRecordedItems(string instruction)
{ //sends test recorded itens in manual pickup mode to test positon
MessageItems("All", "TestRecordedItems",instruction, "");
MessageFeedback("TestRecordedItems", instruction);
if (recallMenu) RezModeDialogMenu();
}//close test recored items positon
{ //sends message to items to update their positions if they are out of place
MessageItems("All", "RezCheck", "autoPickup", "");
MessageFeedback("ForceUpdateItemPositons", "");
}//close force update item positions
RezDeRezIndividualItem(string name)
{ //rezes an individual item
if (rezDerezMode == "RezItems")
{ //come here if the instruction is rez item
integer typeOfInventory = llGetInventoryType(name);
if (typeOfInventory == INVENTORY_OBJECT)
{ //come here if the item exists in the inventory
llListenControl (rezBoxComsChannel, TRUE); //turns on listeners for coms channel
string RezInstruction = "RezSingleItem" + "," + (string)rezBoxSetNo;
MessageRezScript (RezInstruction, name);
if (chatFeedback) MessageItems("All", "ChatFeeback", "On", "");
else MessageItems("All", "ChatFeeback", "Off", "");
MessageFeedback("RezedSingleItem", name);
}//close if item exists in the inventory
{ //come here if the item does not exist in the inventory
if (chatFeedback) llOwnerSay("Sorry no object with that name exists in the inventory, did you forget to add it to the box?");
}//close if item doesn't exist in the inventory
}// close if single items mode is rez
else if (rezDerezMode == "RemItems")
{ //come here if the instrructions is de-rez item
MessageItems("All", "DeRezSingleItem", name, "");
MessageFeedback("DeRezedSingleItem", name);
}// close if single items mode is remove
if (recallMenu) RezDeRezMenuDialog();
}// close rez individual item
{ //sents a text box dialog to the user asking for the rez set name
string message = "Please enter a name for the Rez Set Notecard";
string instructionType = "NewRezSetName";
TextBoxMenu (instructionType, message);
}//close send text box dialog to the user asking for a rez set name.
MakeRezSet(string name)
{ //loops through the inventory objevts and generates a notecard listing all the names
integer notecardIndex;
list inventoryObjects = [];
for (notecardIndex = 0; notecardIndex < llGetInventoryNumber(INVENTORY_OBJECT); notecardIndex++)
string instruction = "itemname";
string objectName = llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_OBJECT, notecardIndex);
string toAdd = instruction + "=" +objectName;
inventoryObjects += toAdd;
if (llGetInventoryType(name) == INVENTORY_NOTECARD) llRemoveInventory(name);
osMakeNotecard(name, inventoryObjects);
MessageFeedback("MakeRezSet", name);
if (recallMenu) RezSetsDialogMenu();
}// close make rez set notecard
UnderGroundMovement (string data)
{ //enables/disables underground movement
if (data == "On") underGroundMovement = TRUE;
else if (data == "Off") underGroundMovement = FALSE;
MessageItems("All", "UnderGroundMovement", data, "");
MessageFeedback("UnderGroundMovement", data);
if (underGroundMovement) SeriousWarning();
if (recallMenu) RezModeDialogMenu();
if (displayHoverText) HoverTextInfo("Settings");
}//close enable or disable under ground movement
{ //gives a serious warning about potential sim destroying movement
list buttons = ["Ok"];
string message = "Restoring to underground positions may fail. It may also permanantly corrupt your sim. It is STRONGLY recomended that you attach another link as the root object which is above ground height. If you do not have an OAR to restore this region DO! NOT! restore items to this position! ";
llOwnerSay (message);
llDialog (llGetOwner(), message, buttons, mainMenuChannel);
autoPickup = FALSE;
} //close serious warning
ItemPickup(string data)
{ //set item pickup mode based on data
if (data == "Auto") autoPickup = TRUE;
else if (data == "Manual") autoPickup = FALSE;
if (displayHoverText) HoverTextInfo("Settings");
//if (chatFeedback) llOwnerSay("ItemPickup: " + data);
if (recallMenu) RezModeDialogMenu();
MessageItems("All", "ItemPickup", data, "");
MessageFeedback("ItemPickup", data);
}//close set pickup mode
ChatFeedBack(string instruction)
{ //turns the chat feedback on or off based on the instruction
if (instruction == "On")
{ //come here if instruction is turn chat on
chatFeedback = TRUE;
if (displayHoverText) HoverTextInfo("Settings");
}//close chat on
else if (instruction == "Off")
{ //come here if instruction ius chat off
if (displayHoverText) HoverTextInfo("Off");
chatFeedback = FALSE;
}//close chat off
//if (chatFeedback) llOwnerSay("ChatFeedBack: " + instruction);
MessageRezScript ("ChatFeedBack", instruction);
MessageFeedback("ChatFeedBack", instruction);
}//close chat feedback
HoverTextInfo(string instruction)
{ //sets the hover text info or removes it
string displayText;
if (instruction == "Off")
{ //turn thover text off and notify
displayHoverText = FALSE;
displayText = "";
}//close turn off hover text
else if (instruction == "Settings")
displayHoverText = TRUE;
string chatFeedbackMode;
if (chatFeedback) chatFeedbackMode = "On";
else chatFeedbackMode = "Off";
string positionMode;
if (relativePos) positionMode = "Relative";
else positionMode = "Absolute";
string pickupMode;
if (autoPickup) pickupMode = "Auto";
else pickupMode = "Manual";
string underGround;
if (underGroundMovement) underGround = "On";
else underGround = "Off";
string recordingMode;
if (allowPosRecording) recordingMode = "On";
else recordingMode = "Off";
string apiLinkedMode;
if (apiLinkedMessage) apiLinkedMode = "On";
else apiLinkedMode = "Off";
string apiRegionMode;
if (apiRegionSay) apiRegionMode = "On";
else apiRegionMode = "Off";
string line0 = "Name: " + llGetObjectName() + "\n \n ";
string line1 = "Positioning Mode: " + positionMode + "\n ";
string line2 = "Pickup Mode: " + pickupMode + "\n ";
string line3 = "Under Ground Movement: " + underGround + "\n ";
string line4 = "Position Recording: " + recordingMode + "\n ";
string line5 = "Chat Feedback: " + chatFeedbackMode + "\n ";
string line6 = "Api LinkedMessages: " + apiLinkedMode + "\n ";
string line7 = "Api RegionSay: " + apiRegionMode + "\n\n ";
displayText = line0 + line1 + line2 + line3 + line4 + line5 + line6 + line7;
else if (instruction == "Contents")
displayHoverText = TRUE;
string line8 = "This box contains: " + "\n ";
displayText = line8; //combine the above lines
list inventoryTypes = [ INVENTORY_ALL, "Inventory Total: ",
INVENTORY_CLOTHING, "Clothing Items: ",
integer i;
for (i = 0; i < llGetListLength(inventoryTypes); i = i+2)
{ //loops through the types string adding found items to the display text
integer itemTypeCount = llGetInventoryNumber(llList2Integer(inventoryTypes,i));
if (itemTypeCount > 0)
{ //if there are items if this kind found, add the information to the display info
string dataToAdd = llList2String(inventoryTypes, (i+1)) + (string)itemTypeCount + "\n ";
displayText += dataToAdd;
}//close if items of this type found
}//close loop through types
llSetText(displayText, <1,1,0>, 1.0);
MessageFeedback("HoverTextInfo", instruction);
} //close hover text info
{ //sends a message to the itesm telling them to prepare for a rez box exchange
MessageItems("All", "PrepItemBoxExchange", "", "");
MessageFeedback("PrepItemBoxExchange", "");
if (recallMenu) PosRecordDialogMenu();
}//close prep item for box exchange
RezBoxAlpha(string status)
{ //sets alpha of rez box links/faces if the coulour change will not break anything
if (status == "On") rexBoxAlpha = TRUE; //sets alpha status on
else if (status == "Off") rexBoxAlpha = FALSE; //sets alpha status off
integer numOfPrims = llGetNumberOfPrims();
integer startIndex;
if (numOfPrims == 1) startIndex = 0; //single link item
else startIndex = 1; //multi link item
integer linkIndex;
for (linkIndex = startIndex; linkIndex < numOfPrims; ++ linkIndex)
{ //loops through the linkset setting the alpha on all sides of each link appropriately
llSetAlpha( (float)(!rexBoxAlpha), ALL_SIDES); //inverses the alpha above to set on the faces
}//close loop through all links
MessageFeedback("RezBoxAlpha", status);
Settings("Save"); //update description
if (recallMenu) InfoDisplayDialogMenu();
}//close rez box alpha
RexBoxPhantom (string status)
{ //sets linkset phantom based on input integer
if (status == "On") rexBoxPhantom = TRUE;
else if (status == "Off") rexBoxPhantom = FALSE;
llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast(LINK_SET, [PRIM_PHANTOM, rexBoxPhantom]);
MessageFeedback("RexBoxPhantom", status);
if (recallMenu) InfoDisplayDialogMenu();
}//close rez box phantom
SetBoxPosRotFromMenu(string instruction)
{ //come here if enter a pos / rot for the rez bots is called from the menu
if (instruction == "Position") TextBoxMenu ("BoxPosition", "Please enter position vector <x,y,z>");
else if (instruction == "Rotation") TextBoxMenu ("BoxRotation","Please enter rotation vector in degrees <x,y,z>");
}// set box pos/rot from menu
RezBoxRot(string vecDegRot)
{// adjusts the box rotation to the supplied rot assuming its possible
integer isVec = ChkIsVec (vecDegRot);
if (isVec)
{ //come here if a valid vector was supplied
vector vecDegTarget = (vector)vecDegRot;
vector vecDegCurRot = llRot2Euler(llGetRot())*RAD_TO_DEG;
rotation targetRot = llEuler2Rot(vecDegTarget*DEG_TO_RAD);
llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast(llGetLinkNumber(), [PRIM_ROTATION, targetRot]); //sets the rotation of our item
MessageFeedback("RezBoxRot", (string)vecDegRot);
if (recallMenu) InfoDisplayDialogMenu();
}//close if a valid vectore was supplied
{ //come here if the data supplied is not a valid eulear rotation vector
if (chatFeedback) llOwnerSay("The supplied rotation not a euler vector. Please fix this and try again. ");
}//close if not supplied with a valid vector.
}//close set rez box rotation
RezBoxPos(string vecPos)
{ //moves the rez box to a supplied positon
vector currentPos = llGetPos();
integer isVec = ChkIsVec (vecPos);
if (isVec)
{ //come here if a valid vector was supplied
vector targetVec = (vector)vecPos;
integer moveIsPossible = CheckMoveLimits(targetVec);
if (moveIsPossible)
{ //come here if the target pos is valid for this sim
MoveRezBox(targetVec); //perform the move
MessageFeedback("RezBoxPos", vecPos);
}//close if target position is valid for this sim
{ //come here if the api is attempting to move the box outside the sim limits
if (chatFeedback) llOwnerSay("The position supplied was a valid vector but it is outside the rez limits for this sim. Please check and try again.");
}//close if attempting to move the box outside the sim limits
}//close if valid vector supplied
{ //come here if the supplied string could not be turned into a vector
if (chatFeedback) llOwnerSay("The supplied information is not a vector. Please fix this and try again. ");
}//close if not a vector
if (recallMenu) InfoDisplayDialogMenu();
}//close rez box position
MoveRezBox(vector positon)
//Moving using this method allows sim wide movement and exact positioning however it can only move in increments of upto 10m so we work in stages
{//performs the movement of the object to its final position and rotation
if (positon.z < 4096)
{ // if the position is under 4096m high use the low resources method of moving.
if (llGetPos() != positon) llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast(llGetLinkNumber(), [PRIM_POSITION, positon]); //sets tpositions
} //close if end pos is under 4096m
{ //come here if the target 4096m or higher in z
float distanceFromTarget = llVecDist(llGetPos(), positon);
while (distanceFromTarget >= 10)
{ //keep looping untill we are less than 10m away from target
llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast(llGetLinkNumber(), [PRIM_POSITION, positon]);
distanceFromTarget = llVecDist(llGetPos(), positon);
}//close while distance from target is over 10m
llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast(llGetLinkNumber(), [PRIM_POSITION, positon]); //set the target one last time to finish the movement
}//close if the target height is over 4096m
}//close start move
RemoveRezByName(string mode, integer invType)
{//removes items by name from the rezed items
inventoryType = invType;
rezDerezMode = mode;
TextBoxMenu ("RemRezItems", "Please enter the name of the item to rez or remove");
} //close remove by name
RemoveRezListItems(string mode, integer invType)
{//generate and calls the dynamic menu
inventoryType = invType;
rezDerezMode = mode;
llListenControl (dynamicMenuChannelListen, TRUE); //turns on listeners for dynamic menu channel
}//close dynamic menu
RezBoxListToChat(integer invType)
{ // loop through the box contents dumping the output to chat
inventoryType = invType;
integer i;
for (i=0; i < llGetInventoryNumber(inventoryType); ++i)
{ //loops through all objects in the inventory
if (chatFeedback) llOwnerSay(llGetInventoryName(inventoryType,i)); //says the current object name in chat if chatFeedback enabled
}//close loop through inventory objects
if (recallMenu)
if (inventoryType == INVENTORY_NOTECARD) RezSetsDialogMenu(); //send rez sets menu to user again
else if (inventoryType == INVENTORY_OBJECT) SingleItemsDialogMenu(); //send single items menu to the user again
} // close list bix cintents in chat
{//removes all obects from the inventory
integer z;
string objectName;
integer itemsNumber = llGetInventoryNumber(INVENTORY_OBJECT);
for (z = itemsNumber; z >= 0; --z)
{ //loops throug all objevts in the inventory in reverse order
objectName = llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_OBJECT, z); //gets the name of the current index
llRemoveInventory(objectName); //deletes the current object
}//close looop through inventory items
MessageFeedback("DelInventoryObjects", "");
if (chatFeedback)llOwnerSay ("Rez box items removed ready to add the re-recorded items");
}//close remove inventory objects
{ //prepares the rez box and items for re-recording of all items
confirmationMenuType = "DelBoxInventoryObjects"; //sets confirmatio menu type
MessageItems("All", "PrepReRecord", "TRUE", ""); //sends message to items telling them to prepare to re-record
MessageFeedback("PrepReRecord", "");
}//close prepare re-recording of items
{// sends message tto all items via region say and sends delte itens dialog
integer inventoryCount = llGetInventoryNumber(INVENTORY_OBJECT );
if (inventoryCount > 100)
{ //come here if there are less than 100 items in the box to re-record
string message = "You have more than 100 items in the rez box. Pickup Mode being set to manual. You will need to pick these items up manually.";
if (chatFeedback) llOwnerSay(message);
}//close if there are more than 100 items in the box
MessageItems("All", "ReRecordAllItems", "TRUE", ""); //sends message to items telling them to re-record
MessageFeedback("ReRecordAllItems", "TRUE");
ConfirmationDialogueMenu(); //sends the confirmation dialog to the user
itemsRezzed = FALSE; //sets items to not rezzed
}//close Re-Record Items
{ // turns on position recording
MessageFeedback("AllowBoxReposition", "TRUE");
if (recallMenu) PosRecordDialogMenu();
}//close turn on position recording
ApiRegionSay(string instruction)
{ //turns the region api on/off based on the instruction
if (instruction == "On") apiRegionSay = TRUE;
else if (instruction == "Off") apiRegionSay = FALSE;
if (apiRegionSay) llListenControl (apiRegionChannelListen, TRUE); // turns on listeners for the rezbox channel
else llListenControl (apiRegionChannelListen, FALSE); // turns off listeners for the rezbox channel
MessageFeedback("ApiRegionSay", instruction);
if(displayHoverText) HoverTextInfo("Settings");
if (recallMenu) ApiDialogMenu();
}//close turn region api on/off
ApiLinkedMessage (string instruction)
{ //turns the linked message api on/off based on the instruction
if (instruction == "On") apiLinkedMessage = TRUE;
else if (instruction == "Off") apiLinkedMessage = FALSE;
MessageFeedback("ApiLinkedMessage", instruction);
if(displayHoverText) HoverTextInfo("Settings");
if (recallMenu) ApiDialogMenu();
}//close api linked message on/off
{ //displays the box number in local if chat feed back is on
MessageFeedback("DisplayBoxNumber", (string)rezBoxSetNo);
if (recallMenu) MainDialogMenu();
llRegionSay(rezBoxChannel, "BoxNumber: " + (string)rezBoxSetNo );
}//close display box number in local
{//gets and stores the position and rotation of the rez box
currentPos = llGetPos(); //saves the current position
currentRot = llGetRot(); //saves the current rotation
}//close record position and rotation
{//send linked message to rezzor script to avoid issues with forced sleep time from rezzing
if (!itemsRezzed)
{ //come here if items are not rezzed
integer objectsInBox = llGetInventoryNumber (INVENTORY_OBJECT);
if (objectsInBox == 0 )
{ // comw here if no objects exist
if (chatFeedback) llOwnerSay("There is nothing to rez. Did you forget to put your items into the rez box?");
} //close if no objects exist
{ //come here if there are objects to rez
llListenControl (rezBoxComsChannel, TRUE); //turns on listeners for coms channel so we can hear rezed items
MessageFeedback("RezItems", "TRUE");
string RezInstruction = "RezItems" + "," + (string)rezBoxSetNo; //sets the comma seperated values message to be sent to the rez script
MessageRezScript (RezInstruction, ""); //sends message to rez script
itemsRezzed = TRUE; // sets the items rezzed tracker to true
if (relativePos) StartRelativeModeTimer();
Settings("Save");//update the description incase of region restart
}// close if we have objects to rez
}//close if items not rezzed
else if (itemsRezzed)
{ //come here if we already have items rezzed
if (chatFeedback) llOwnerSay( "\n" + "Sorry items are already rezzed, aborting to avoid duplicate prims in the same place. " + "\n" +
"If you have manually removed items or done it individually please press derez and try again");
if (recallMenu) MainDialogMenu();
}//close if items already rezed
if (chatFeedback) MessageItems("All", "ChatFeeback", "On", "");
else MessageItems("All", "ChatFeeback", "Off", "");
if (recallMenu) RezDeRezMenuDialog();
}//close rez items
{// do this if finalise button is pressed
MessageItems("All", "FinaliseItems", "", "");
MessageFeedback("FinaliseItems", "TRUE");
itemsRezzed = FALSE;// sets the items rezzed tracker to no items rezzed
llSetTimerEvent(0); //stop the timer as we no longer need to track the relation between the rez box and the items.
if (recallMenu) MainDialogMenu();
Settings("Save");//update the description incase of region restart
}//close finalise button pressed
{//do this if the de-rez button is pressed
MessageItems("All", "DeRezItems", "", "");
MessageFeedback("DeRezItems", "All");
itemsRezzed = FALSE;// sets the items rezzed tracker to no items rezzed
if (!allowPosRecording) llListenControl (rezBoxComsChannel, FALSE); //turns off listeners for coms channel, no need for it with nothing rezzed. and recording being turned off.
llSetTimerEvent(0); // turn the timer off if its runing as there are no longer any items to track
Settings("Save");//update the description incase of region restart
if (recallMenu) RezDeRezMenuDialog();
}//close de-rez items
PositioningMode(string mode)
{ //sets the positioning mode based on the supplied mode
if (mode == "Relative") relativePos = TRUE; //turns on relative mode
else if (mode == "Absolute") relativePos = FALSE; //turns on absolute mode
Settings("Save");//update the description incase of region restart
MessageFeedback("PositioningMode", mode);
if (recallMenu) RezModeDialogMenu() ; //calls the main menu if called from a menu
if (displayHoverText) HoverTextInfo("Settings");
if (relativePos) StartRelativeModeTimer();
else llSetTimerEvent(0);
}//close set position mode
{// checks to see if the boxs rotation <0,0,0>, if it is turn on recording, if not send confirmation for auto fix
if (llGetRot() == <0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 1.00000>) Recording("On"); //turns recording on if box is correctly rotated
{ //come here if the box has been rotated and needs adjusting for recording
confirmationMenuType = "AutoFixBoxRotationForRecording"; //sets the confirmation dialog type
ConfirmationDialogueMenu(); //sends confirmation dialog to the user
}//close ele box position is incorrect for recroding
}// close check box position for recording
{//sets the position of the box to <0,0,0> ready for recording
llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast(llGetLinkNumber(), [PRIM_ROTATION, <0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 1.00000>]); //set the rotation of the box to <0,0,0>
if (chatFeedback) llOwnerSay("The rotation of this item has been set to <0,0,0>. Please do not adjust the rotation while recording item positions. RezBox Ready To Record Item Positions" );//send message to the owner around box position and recording status
}//close set box rotation for recording
GenTempMenuList(list inputList)
{ // generates the temp menu buttons (the ones for the current page)
tempMenuButtons = []; //makes sure the list is blank before we start
integer firstIndex = currentPageNumber*dynamicButtonsPerPage; //uses the page number to work out the start index in the menu buttons list
integer lastIndex = firstIndex + dynamicButtonsPerPage-1; // calculates the last index in the menu buttons list
if (lastIndex >= llGetListLength(inputList)) lastIndex = llGetListLength(inputList) -1; //don't add extra blank buttons for no good reason
integer i;
for ( i = firstIndex; i <= lastIndex; ++ i)
{ // adds each of the index is the range calculated to the temp buttons list
tempMenuButtons += llList2String(inputList,i);
}//close loop through range of indexed buttons
AddReservedButtonsToTempMenu(); //adds the reserved buttons to the temp buttons list
GenMenuPageMessage(firstIndex, lastIndex);
} //close generate temp menu list
GenMenuPageMessage(integer firstIndex, integer lastIndex)
{ //generates the string to display on the menu page
pageMessage = "You are viewing page " + (string)(currentPageNumber+1) + " of " + (string)(numOfPages) + "\n" ;
integer i;
for (i = firstIndex; i <= lastIndex; ++i)
{ //loops through button items adding them to the page message
pageMessage += "\n";
pageMessage += (string)i ;
pageMessage += " " ;
pageMessage += llGetInventoryName( inventoryType, i );
}//close loop through button items
}//close generate menu string
{ // loops through the reserved buttons and adds them to the temp list
integer i;
for (i = 0; i < llGetListLength(reservedButtons); ++i)
{ //loops through the reserved buttons adding them to the temp list
tempMenuButtons += llList2String (reservedButtons, i); //adds the current button to the reserved list
}// close loop through reserved buttons list
}//close add reserved buttons to temp list
DialogueMenu(list inputList)
{ //displays a big list of buttons dynamially over many pages
numOfPages = CalcPagesInMenu(inputList);
menuLength = llGetListLength (inputList);
if ( currentPageNumber >= numOfPages) currentPageNumber = 0; // these two lines make sure the page number never goes out of range;
else if (currentPageNumber < 0) currentPageNumber = numOfPages-1; //counting starts from 0 so the last page is 1 less than the total number of pages
GenTempMenuList(inputList); //gen list and pass the menu to process from
llDialog(llGetOwner(), pageMessage, tempMenuButtons, dynamicMenuChannel); //display the current page in the dialog
}// close display dialogue menu
GenDynamicButtonsNamesList(integer invType)
{ //loops through the prims contents and adds the name of each OBJECT to the list and then sorts the list
inventoryType = invType;
integer i;
for (i = 0; i < llGetInventoryNumber(inventoryType); ++i)
{ //gets the name of each object and adds it to the list
dynamicMenuButtonNumbers += (string)i;
} //close generate dynamic nanes list
integer CalcPagesInMenu(list inputList)
{ // works out the total number of pages needed allowing two buttons for forwards and backwards
reservedButtonsPerPage = llGetListLength(reservedButtons); // how many button spaces per page we need to reserve
dynamicButtonsPerPage = 12-reservedButtonsPerPage; //subtract the reserve from the total availible of 12
numOfPages = (integer)(llGetListLength(inputList) /dynamicButtonsPerPage); // 2 buttons for next and back with 1p per page and an extra page for any remainders
if (menuLength%dynamicButtonsPerPage > 0) ++numOfPages; //if there is any remainder after dividing the number of buttons by 10 addd on another page
return numOfPages; //returns the number of pages
}//close calculate pages in menu
ApplyShapeTexture(float rotationRAD)
{ //sets the shape of the box and textures it rotating the arrow to the specified position
PRIM_TYPE, PRIM_TYPE_CYLINDER, PRIM_HOLE_DEFAULT, <0.00, 1.0, 0.0>, 0.0, <0.0, 0.0, 0.0>, <1.0, 1.0, 0.0>, <0.0, 0.0, 0.0>,
PRIM_TEXTURE, ALL_SIDES, "1a1eef4d-2c98-4947-a9bd-34c6a49650fb", <2,1,0>, <0,0,0>, 0,
PRIM_COLOR, 2, <0,0,0>, 1
]); //sets the shape to cylinder and adds the covey texture to all sides setting the repeat to 2 in x
string sDynamicID = ""; // not implemented yet
string sContentType = "vector"; // vector = text/lines,etc. image = texture only
string sData = ""; // Storage for our drawing commands
string sExtraParams = "width:512,height:256"; // optional parameters in the following format: [param]:[value],[param]:[value]
integer iTimer = 0; // timer is not implemented yet, leave @ 0
integer iAlpha = 100; // 0 = 100% Alpha, 255 = 100% Solid
// draw a rectangle
sData = osSetPenSize(sData, 3); // Set the pen width to 3 pixels
sData = osSetPenColor(sData, "Black"); // Set the pen color to red
sData = osMovePen(sData, 0, 0); // Upper left corner at <28,78>
sData = osDrawFilledRectangle(sData, 512, 256); // 200 pixels by 100 pixels
// setup text to go in the drawn box
sData = osMovePen(sData, 50, 5); // place pen @ X,Y coordinates
sData = osSetFontName(sData, "Arial"); // Set the Fontname to use
sData = osSetFontSize(sData, 20); // Set the Font Size in pixels
sData = osSetPenColor(sData, "White"); // Set the pen color to Green
sData = osDrawText(sData, llGetObjectName()); // The text to write
osSetDynamicTextureDataBlend( sDynamicID, sContentType, sData, sExtraParams, iTimer, iAlpha ); // Now draw it out
llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast(LINK_THIS, [PRIM_TEXTURE, 0, "21f88ff4-8277-4f9d-a5ec-bee61fd08ea8", <-1,1,0>, <0,0,0>, rotationRAD]); //sets the arrow texture
itemPositions = [];//clear the list to keep memory useage to a min.
if (recallMenu) MainDialogMenu();
}//close apply shape texture
Settings(string instruction)
{ //saves or loads the settings based on the instruction
if (instruction == "Save")
{ //come here if instruction is Save
llSetObjectDesc( (string)rezBoxSetNo + "," +
(string)itemsRezzed + "," +
(string)relativePos + "," +
(string)chatFeedback + "," +
(string)displayHoverText + "," +
(string)apiLinkedMessage + "," +
(string)apiRegionSay + "," +
(string)rexBoxPhantom + "," +
(string)rexBoxAlpha + "," +
(string)autoPickup + "," +
(string)underGroundMovement + "," +
}//close save settins to object description
else if (instruction == "Load")
{ //come here if instruction is load
string desc = llGetObjectDesc();
list objectDescription = llCSV2List(desc); //retrieves the object descriptions and converts it to a list
rezBoxSetNo = llList2Integer(objectDescription, 0); //if description exists get the description and turn it back into an integer
itemsRezzed = llList2Integer(objectDescription, 1); //retrive and save items rezzd true or false
relativePos = llList2Integer(objectDescription, 2); // retrive and save relative pos mode
chatFeedback = llList2Integer(objectDescription, 3); //retrieve and set chat feedback
displayHoverText = llList2Integer(objectDescription, 4); //retrieves and sets hover text. Hover text is persistent so no need to re-apply here
apiLinkedMessage = llList2Integer(objectDescription, 5); //retrieves and sets the api Linked message status
apiRegionSay = llList2Integer (objectDescription, 6); //retrieves and sets the api regionsay status.
rexBoxPhantom = llList2Integer (objectDescription, 7);//retrieves and sets the rez box phantom bool
rexBoxAlpha = llList2Integer (objectDescription, 8); //retrieves and sets the rez box alpha bool
autoPickup = llList2Integer (objectDescription, 9); //retrieves and sets the auto pickup variable
underGroundMovement = llList2Integer (objectDescription, 10); //retrieves and sets the underground movement variable
dialogMenu = llList2Integer(objectDescription, 11); //retrieves and sets the dialog menu status
apiRegionChannelIn = rezBoxSetNo; //defines the api inbound channel
apiRegionChannelOut = rezBoxSetNo *-1; //defines the api outbound channel
if (itemsRezzed && relativePos) StartRelativeModeTimer(); //if items are rezzed turn turn on trimer to update position
else llSetTimerEvent(0);//if nothings rezzed or we are in absolute mode make sure the timers turned off.
if (chatFeedback) ChatFeedBack("On"); // turns chat feedback on
else ChatFeedBack("Off"); // turns chat feedback off
}//close load settings
}//close settings,
{ //sets the timer count to 0 and starts the timer
timerCount = 0;
}//close start relative mode timer
Recording(string instruction)
{ //turns recording on or off based on the instruction
if (instruction == "On")
{ //come here if recording instruction is on
allowPosRecording = TRUE; // if the turn on button is pressed in the Recording menu, set the inter to true (on)
MessageRezBoxs("Recording", "On"); //sends message to other rez box's on the sim so they turn recording off
llListenControl (rezBoxChannelListen, TRUE); // turn listening for other rez box on incase recording is enabled on another
llListenControl (rezBoxComsChannelListen, TRUE);//turns on the coms cahannel listener
}//close turn recording on
else if (instruction == "Off")
{ //come here if instruction is off
allowPosRecording = FALSE; // if the turn on button is pressed in the Recording menu, set the inter to false (off)
llListenControl (rezBoxChannelListen, FALSE); //turn off the listener for other rez box's as recording is already now off
}//close turn recording offf
//MessageItems("All", "Recording", instruction, ""); //sends message to all items
MessageFeedback("Recording", instruction); //sends feedback for the instruction
MessageItems("All","Recording", instruction, "");
if (displayHoverText) HoverTextInfo("Settings"); //sends hover text update if needed
if (recallMenu) MainDialogMenu(); //calls the main menu if called from the menu
}//close turn recording on and off
{//checks to see if a rez box set number is stored in the description, if found it restores and saves it. If no description is present, generate a new box number and save.
if (llGetObjectDesc() == "")
{//do this if the description is blank
rezBoxSetNo = (integer)(llFrand(-1000000000.0) - 1000000000.0); //generate a new random box set number and save
apiRegionChannelIn = rezBoxSetNo;
apiRegionChannelOut = rezBoxSetNo * -1;
Settings("Save"); //store this number in the rez box description for the future.
}//close if descriptoin is blank
else Settings("Load");
}//close check for items and description
{//checks to see if there are items in the rez box when its rezzed or the script is started
integer InventoryObjects = llGetInventoryNumber(INVENTORY_OBJECT);
if (!InventoryObjects)
{//do this if no objects found
SetBoxRotationForRecording(); //sets the rotation to <0,0,0>
RezModeDialogMenu(); //sends the rez mode menu to the user
Recording("On"); //turns recording on
}//close if no items in the invnetory
{//do this if items are found in the inventory
Recording("Off"); //turns recording off
if (chatFeedback) llOwnerSay("Rez Box contains items already, Position recording is disabled. You can turn it back on in the menu."); //advise the owner of status
}//close if item has objects in when rezzed or script dropped
}//close check for items in rez box when first starting up or being rezzed
{ //checks to see if another copy of this script alreayd exists, if it does remove it.
string name = llGetScriptName(); // gets the current script name
integer length = llStringLength(name); // how many charcters are in this script name
string lastTwoChars = llGetSubString(name, -2 ,-1); // finds the last two characters in the name
if (lastTwoChars == " 1" )
{ // come here if the name ends with a space then the number 1 (like its been auto adjusted due to a duplicate name already existing)
string mainScriptName = llGetSubString(name, 0,length-3); //get the script name without the space and 1 at the end
integer check = llGetInventoryType(mainScriptName); //gets the inventory type of an item with name minus the tail if it exists
if (check == INVENTORY_SCRIPT)
{ //come here if a script matching the name without the tail exists come here
llRemoveInventory(mainScriptName); //remove the old script
llOwnerSay("Duplicate script detected and removed");
}//close if duplicate exists
}//close if this script name ends in " 1"
integer numScripts = llGetInventoryNumber(INVENTORY_SCRIPT); //get the number of scripts in the item after the above check
if ( numScripts > 1)
{ //come here if there are still multiple scripts in the item
integer scriptIndex;
for (scriptIndex = numScripts-1; scriptIndex >=0; --scriptIndex)
{ //loop through all scripts in this object in reverse order so if removing we don't get adujust index issues
string currentScriptName = llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_SCRIPT, scriptIndex); //gets the name of the current script index
if (currentScriptName != name)
{ //come here if we are not checking this script!. (Dont remove this script)
integer isDuplicate = contains(currentScriptName, name);
//returns true if the name of this script is contained inside the name of the script we are checking
//eg this script is "MainScript" and the script we are checking is "MainScript 1"
if (isDuplicate)
{ //come here if the found script is a duplicate of this script
llRemoveInventory(currentScriptName); //remove the duplicate script
llOwnerSay("Duplicate script detected and removed");
}//close if script is a duplicte
}//close if we are dealing with a script other than this script
}//close loop through scripts in the object
}//close if we still have more than 1 script in the objevt
}//close check for existing script
changed(integer change)
{// if the region has restarted set Box number from description
//if the owner has changed reset the script.
if (change & CHANGED_REGION_START) CheckForDesc();//if region has been restarted set the box number from the description
if (change & CHANGED_OWNER) llResetScript();//if we hace changed owners ensure the script is reset.
{ //come here if display hover text is turned on
if (displayHoverText) HoverTextInfo("Contents");
}//close if inventory has changed
}//close changed event
on_rez (integer rezCount)
{//check the script is in the root prim, ensure its rotated to 0,0,0 and then act accordingly.
}//close on rez
{//this is done when the script starts, sets up listeners, records the current position and rotation as well as setting a new set number.
CheckForDesc(); // call check rez box's descriptoin for previously saved set number
SetUpListeners(); //cal set up listeners
CheckForItems(); //call check for items in the inventory
RecordCurrentPosRot(); //call record position and rotation
dynamicMenuButtonNumbers = []; //clears the dynamic numbers list
currentPageNumber = 0; //sets the page number to 0 when the script is frist run
}//close state entry
touch_start(integer dont_care)
{ //detecs touches and checks to see if its the owner, then launches the main menu if it is.
if (llDetectedKey(0) == llGetOwner() && dialogMenu) MainDialogMenu();
//if the rez box is touched, check its the owner and popup the menu, ignore anyone else
}//close touch start
listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message)
{//listens on the set channels, then depending on the heard channel sends the message for processing.
if (llGetOwner() == llGetOwnerKey(id) && id != llGetKey())
if (channel == rezBoxComsChannel)
ProcessItemMessage(id, message);//if messages heard on coms channel call the process items messages
else if (channel == mainMenuChannel) ProcessMainMenuResponse(id, message); //if coms heard on the menu channel (menu button pressed) pass to process menu response
else if (channel == rezBoxChannel)
ProcessRezBoxMessage(id, message);
else if (channel == dynamicMenuChannel) ProcessDynamicMenuResponse(id, message);
else if (channel == textBoxChannel) ProcessTextBoxResponse(id, message);
else if (channel == apiRegionChannelIn) ProcessApiMessage(message);
} //close if sending object is owned by the same person
}//close listen
link_message(integer sender_num, integer num, string msg, key msg2)
{ // listens for messages from other scripts in this object
if(debug) llOwnerSay("Debug:Control:link_message: " + msg);
if (apiLinkedMessage)
{ //only process if the number matches the one above
if(debug) llOwnerSay("Debug:Control:link_message:ProcessApiMessage called");
ProcessApiMessage(msg, msg2);
}//close if number matches
}//close linked messages
{//check position and rotation of the rezzer box while items are rezzed
if (!itemsRezzed) llSetTimerEvent(0); //should never happen but if we get here and nothings rezzed stop the timmer.
if ((llGetPos() != currentPos) || (llGetRot() != currentRot)) //check to see if we have moved or rotated
{//do this if the rez box has moved
currentPos = llGetPos(); //saves new position
currentRot = llGetRot(); //saves new rotation
string data = GenUpdatePosDataString();
//string data = (string)currentPos + "," + (string)currentRot + "," + (string)relativePos + "," + (string)autoPickup;
timerCount = 0;
MessageItems("All", "UpdatePosRot", data, "");
}//close if box has moved
if (timerCount >= 18000)
{ //more than 30 mins has elapsed since items were rezzed or items were moved.
//Set absolute positioning and send warning if feedback is on
MessageFeedback("RelativeModeTimeOut", "SetAbsoluteMode");
}//close if timer count is more than 30 mins.
}//close timer
}//close default state
Covey Rez Pro System - Control Script
Full instructions in the accompanying notecard
==Items Script==
<syntaxhighlight lang="lsl" line>
Covey Rez Pro System - Items Script
Do not adjust settings below this line unless you know what you are doing!
integer simSize; //integer derived from getsimsize vector to store the size of the sim.
integer recordingAllowed = FALSE; //used to determine if the menu is turned on. If recording is disabled the menu couldn't do anything anyway
integer autoPickup = TRUE; //if this is TRUE and a record position is requested items will attach to the avatar afterwards
integer phantomFixDone = FALSE;
integer underGroundMovement = FALSE; // if set to true, items will attempt to move underground
integer relativePos = TRUE; // turned on or off. If relative rez mode then this is TRUE. If its absolute this is FALSE
integer phantom = FALSE; // used to store the phantom status of the object when recorded
vector originalPos; //this items original position when recorded
rotation originalRot; //this items original rotation when recorded
vector relativeMove; //displacement vector for this item relative to the rez box
rotation relativeRot; //rotation of this item relative to the rez box
vector origRezBoxPos; //orinal rez box position when item was recorded
rotation origRezBoxRot; //original rez box rotation when item was recorded
vector newRezBoxPos; //new position sent from rez box
rotation newRezBoxRot; //new rot sent from rez box
vector endPos; //end position after movement
rotation endRot; //end rotation after movement
integer rezBoxSetNumber; //rez box set number
integer stopForRezLimit = FALSE;
integer rezBoxComsChannel = -83654729;
integer itemsComsChannel = -83654730;
integer itemsComsChannelListen;
integer mainMenuChannel; //menu channel
integer mainMenuChannelListen; //listener switch for the menu channel
integer seriousWarning = FALSE; //serious warning flag, auto pickup will be disabled if this is set
key rezBoxUUID;
{ //sets up all the listeners
mainMenuChannel = (integer)(llFrand(-1000000000.0) - 1000000000.0);
mainMenuChannelListen = llListen(mainMenuChannel, "", NULL_KEY, "");
itemsComsChannelListen = llListen(itemsComsChannel, "", NULL_KEY, "");
llListenControl (itemsComsChannelListen, TRUE);
llListenControl (mainMenuChannelListen, FALSE);
}//close setup listeners
ProcessRezBoxMessage(key listenRecievedKey, string listenRecievedMessage)
{ //processes all messages from rez box's
integer colonSeperator = llSubStringIndex(listenRecievedMessage, ":");
string numberInstruction = llGetSubString(listenRecievedMessage, 0, colonSeperator-1);
string data = llGetSubString (listenRecievedMessage, colonSeperator+1, -1 );
list rezBoxInstructions = llCSV2List(numberInstruction);
integer recievedRezBoxSetNumber = llList2Integer(rezBoxInstructions, 0);
string instructionType = llList2String(rezBoxInstructions,1);
if (instructionType == "RezBoxData") RezBoxData(data); //no known rez box at this point...
else if (instructionType == "TestRecordedItems") TestRecorded(data);
{ //come here for everything except rez box data
if (recievedRezBoxSetNumber == rezBoxSetNumber)
{ //come here if the rez box number given matches our rez box
if (instructionType == "DeRezItems") llDie();
else if (instructionType == "FinaliseItems") FinaliseItems();
else if (instructionType == "Rez")
else if (instructionType == "PrepReRecord") PrepReRecord();
else if (instructionType == "UpdatePosRot") MoveIntoPositon(data);
else if (instructionType == "ReRecordAllItems") ReRecordAllItems();
else if (instructionType == "DeRezSingleItem") DeRezSingleItem(data);
else if (instructionType == "Recording") MenuOnOff(data);
else if (instructionType == "ItemPickup") ItemPickup(data);
else if (instructionType == "UnderGroundMovement") UnderGroundMovement(data);
else if (instructionType == "PrepItemBoxExchange") PrepItemBoxExchange();
else if (instructionType == "ItemPositionRequest") SendPositionToRezBox(listenRecievedKey);
else if (instructionType == "RezCheck") RezPosCheck();
}//close if rez box number matches the one provided by the rez box
}//close if instruction is not rez box data
}//close process rez box message
TestRecorded(string data)
{ //moves itens up 500m if test recorded is On
//moves them back to the original position if test record is off
integer extrasCardType = llGetInventoryType(".ExtraInfo");
if (extrasCardType == INVENTORY_NONE)
{ //because we can't check a box number at this stage we filter by the presence of the extras card
//if not extras card exists this is a fresh set not one rezzed from the box (excluding later prep re-record)
if (data == "On")
{ //turns on testing flag and moves items up 500m
endPos = originalPos + <0,0, 500>; //sets the testing possition
endRot = originalRot;//sets the rotation
}//close send testing positions and flag
else if (data == "Off")
{ //sets the testing flag to off and the move position to the original pos
endPos = originalPos; //sets the end position to the original position
endRot = originalRot;//sets the rotation
}//close if data is off
StartMove("Testing"); //moves the items to the set position
} //close if extras card does not exist
}//close test record
integer contains(string haystack, string needle)
{ //returns true if a needle is found inside the heystack
return ~llSubStringIndex(haystack, needle); //returns integer
}// close contains
{ //checks to see if another copy of this script alreayd exists, if it does remove it.
string name = llGetScriptName(); // gets the current script name
integer length = llStringLength(name); // how many charcters are in this script name
string lastTwoChars = llGetSubString(name, -2 ,-1); // finds the last two characters in the name
if (lastTwoChars == " 1" )
{ // come here if the name ends with a space then the number 1 (like its been auto adjusted due to a duplicate name already existing)
string mainScriptName = llGetSubString(name, 0,length-3); //get the script name without the space and 1 at the end
integer check = llGetInventoryType(mainScriptName); //gets the inventory type of an item with name minus the tail if it exists
if (check == INVENTORY_SCRIPT)
{ //come here if a script matching the name without the tail exists come here
llRemoveInventory(mainScriptName); //remove the old script
llOwnerSay("Duplicate script detected and removed");
}//close if duplicate exists
}//close if this script name ends in " 1"
integer numScripts = llGetInventoryNumber(INVENTORY_SCRIPT); //get the number of scripts in the item after the above check
if ( numScripts > 1)
{ //come here if there are still multiple scripts in the item
integer scriptIndex;
for (scriptIndex = numScripts-1; scriptIndex >=0; --scriptIndex)
{ //loop through all scripts in this object in reverse order so if removing we don't get adujust index issues
string currentScriptName = llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_SCRIPT, scriptIndex); //gets the name of the current script index
if (currentScriptName != name)
{ //come here if we are not checking this script!. (Dont remove this script)
integer isDuplicate = contains(currentScriptName, name);
//returns true if the name of this script is contained inside the name of the script we are checking
//eg this script is "MainScript" and the script we are checking is "MainScript 1"
if (isDuplicate)
{ //come here if the found script is a duplicate of this script
llRemoveInventory(currentScriptName); //remove the duplicate script
llOwnerSay("Duplicate script detected and removed");
}//close if script is a duplicte
}//close if we are dealing with a script other than this script
}//close loop through scripts in the object
}//close if we still have more than 1 script in the objevt
}//close check for existing script
MenuOnOff(string instruction)
{ //turns the menu on and off based on the instruction
if (instruction == "On")
{ //turns the menu on
recordingAllowed = TRUE;
llListenControl (mainMenuChannelListen, TRUE);
}//close turn on menu
else if (instruction == "Off")
{ //turns the menu off
recordingAllowed = FALSE;
llListenControl (mainMenuChannelListen, FALSE);
}//close turn off menu
}//close menu on and off
{ //sets the original item information ready for saving
originalPos = llGetPos(); //gets the position
originalRot = llGetRot(); //gets the rotation
list objectPhantomDetails = llGetObjectDetails(llGetKey(), [PRIM_PHANTOM]); //checks the itens phantom status
integer phantom = llGetStatus(STATUS_PHANTOM); //stores the phantom status
float GroundHeight = llGround(originalPos); //checks the ground height at items positon
if (originalPos.z < GroundHeight) SeriousWarning(); //sends a warning if item is below ground
else seriousWarning = FALSE; // ensures warning flag is turned off incase this is a re-record
llRegionSay(rezBoxComsChannel, "OrigRezBoxPositionRequest" + "," + (string)llGetKey() + "," + (string)llGetOwner()); //messages the rez box
}//close set pos info
SendPositionToRezBox(key rezBoxUUID)
{ //send the current position to the requesting rez box
string itemPos = (string)llGetPos();
llRegionSayTo(rezBoxUUID, rezBoxComsChannel, "ItemPosition" + "," + itemPos);
}//close send position to rez box.
{ //issues a warning in chat and dialog menu and turns off auot pickup
list buttons = ["Ok"]; // buttons in menu
string message = "Restoring to this position may fail. It may also permanantly corrupt your sim. It is STRONGLY recomended that you attach another link as the root object which is above ground height. If you do not have an OAR to restore this region DO! NOT! restore items to this position! Auto pickup disabled to give you time to fix this. "; //message to send
llOwnerSay (message); // warning in local chat
llDialog (llGetOwner(), message, buttons, mainMenuChannel); //warning dialog menu
autoPickup = FALSE; //turns off auto pickup
seriousWarning = TRUE; //sets serious warning flag
} //close serious warning
{ //checks to see if settings card exists before attaching or telling the user the item is ready to pickup
if (seriousWarning) autoPickup = FALSE; //ensures that if serious warning is flagged auto pickup is disabled
integer check = llGetInventoryType(".SavedSettings"); //gets the inventory type of the settings card
if (check == INVENTORY_NONE) CheckSettingsCardExists(); //if the item doesn't exist check again
{ //come here if the settings card is found
if (autoPickup) AttachToAvatar(); //if auto pickup is enabled attaches item to the avatar
else llOwnerSay("All positions and rotations have been saved in a notecard inside the items inventory. Please now take this item to your inventory and then drop it into the Rez Box. "); // if auto pickup is disabled, sends message to user saying item is ready to pickup
}//close if settings card exists
}//close check if settings card exists
{ //checks to see if extras card exists. If it does this is not a first rez from the box
integer check = llGetInventoryType(".ExtraInfo");
{ //come here if the extras card exists (not first rez from box)
MenuOnOff("Off"); // turns off the menu
ReadConfigCards(".ExtraInfo"); //reads the extras card
}//close if settings card exists
{ //this is the first rez from the box, enables the update menu
MenuOnOff("On"); //turns on the menu
}//close check if extras card exists
{ //force attaches item to avatar then calls detach
osForceAttachToAvatar(ATTACH_CHEST); //force attaches to avatar
DetachFromAvatar(); //detaches from avatar
}//close attach to avatar
{ //detaches the item from the avatar if its attached
integer attached = llGetAttached(); //gets attacment status
if (attached) llRequestPermissions(llGetOwner(), PERMISSION_ATTACH ); //if attached calls detach
else AttachToAvatar(); //if we are not already attached, calls attach again as we should be attached now!
}//close detach fromn avatar
RezBoxData(string data)
{ //process rez box data sent from rez box and stores it
list information = llCSV2List (data);
origRezBoxPos = llList2Vector(information, 0);
origRezBoxRot = llList2Rot(information,1);
relativePos = llList2Integer(information, 2);
autoPickup = llList2Integer(information, 3);
underGroundMovement = llList2Integer(information, 4);
relativeMove = origRezBoxPos-originalPos; //calculates the relative move
relativeRot = origRezBoxRot/originalRot; //calcuates the relative rotation
if (seriousWarning) autoPickup = FALSE; //ensures if underground no auto pickup is allowed
SaveSettings(); //saves the settings card
}//close rez box data
{ //removes settings and scripts
PrepReRecord(); //removes settings cards
llRemoveInventory(llGetScriptName()); //removes the script
}//close finalise items
{ //removes the settings cards and resets the script (like dropping a script in a fresh item)
PrepReRecord(); // removes settings cards
llResetScript(); //reset the script
}//close re-record items
DeRezSingleItem(string name)
{ // if this object name matches the one sent, remove this object
if (name == llGetObjectName() ) llDie();
}//close de-rez single item
ItemPickup(string data)
{ //if auto pickup is changed by the box update according in this objevt
//this will be over written if we are in a serious warning state
if (data == "Auto") autoPickup = TRUE;
else if (data == "Manual") autoPickup = FALSE;
}//close item pickup mode
{ //calculates the position to move this iten to
if (relativePos)
{ //come here if relative positioning is enabled
endPos = newRezBoxPos - relativeMove*newRezBoxRot;
endRot = originalRot * newRezBoxRot;
}//close if relative positioning
{ //come here if absolute positioning is enabled
endPos = originalPos;
endRot = originalRot;
}//close if absolute positioning
CheckRezLimits(); //ensure we are allowed to move to the calculated place
}//close check final pos/rot
{ //checks to make sure that moving to the requested position is possible
float GroundHeight = llGround(endPos-llGetPos() ); //checks the ground height at the target position
if (!underGroundMovement)
{ //come here if underground movement is turned off, do checks including ground position
if ((GroundHeight < endPos.z) && (endPos.z < 10000) && (endPos.y < simSize) && (endPos.x < simSize))
{ // if target position is inside the sim bround, above ground and less than 10km high
StartMove("Normal"); //starts the movement
}//close if movement is not trying to go under ground
{ //sends warning that includes ground height check
stopForRezLimit = TRUE;
llOwnerSay ("Sorry i can not move there its outside the allowed rez limits." + " \n" +
"Attempted Rez Position = " + (string)endPos + " (x,y,z)" + "\n" +
"Rez Limits are " + (string)simSize + " in both the X and Y axis. Then in Z you can not rez over 10km or below ground" );
}//close if movement would go outside the limits
}//close if underground movement is off
{ //underground movement is enabled, do checks without ground position
if ((endPos.z < 10000) && (endPos.y < simSize) && (endPos.x < simSize))
{ //if the target position is inside the sim broundies and below 10km high
StartMove("Normal"); //starts movement
}//close if inside rez limits
{ //send warning but don't mention ground as underground movemnt is on
stopForRezLimit = TRUE;
llOwnerSay ("Sorry i can not move there its outside the allowed rez limits." + " \n" +
"Attempted Rez Position = " + (string)endPos + " (x,y,z)" + "\n" +
"Rez Limits are " + (string)simSize + " in both the X and Y axis. Then in Z you can not rez over 10km." );
}//close else outside rez limits
}//close if underground movement is on
}//close check rez limits
StartMove(string moveReason)
{ //moves the object into position
llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast(llGetLinkNumber(), [PRIM_ROTATION, endRot]); //rotates the object to desired roation
if (endPos.z < 4096)
{ //if end position is less than 4096m high use set region position to save sim resources
llSetRegionPos(endPos); //moves the item close to final target
if (llGetPos() != endPos) llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast(llGetLinkNumber(), [PRIM_POSITION, endPos]); //finishes the movement making it exact
}//close if final position is under 4096, high
{ //final position is above 4096m, set region pos will fail so we must do a loop with set primitive parans fast
float distanceFromTarget = llVecDist(llGetPos(), endPos); //caclulate how far we are from the end position
while (distanceFromTarget >= 10)
{ //if we are more than 10m from the target come here
llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast(llGetLinkNumber(), [PRIM_POSITION, endPos]); //moves the item towards its target by upto 10m
distanceFromTarget = llVecDist(llGetPos(), endPos); //calculates the distance from target again now.
llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast(llGetLinkNumber(), [PRIM_POSITION, endPos]); // sets the final position as its less than 10m away
}//close if final position is above 4096m high
if (seriousWarning) autoPickup = FALSE; //ensures auto pickup is disabled if serious warning is flagged
if (moveReason != "Testing")
SaveExtraInfoCard(); //saves the extra info settings card incase of script resets unless testing mode is on.
integer timeSpan = random_integer(10, 30);
if (!stopForRezLimit) llSetTimerEvent((float)timeSpan);
}//close move item into place
integer random_integer(integer min, integer max)
return min + (integer)(llFrand(max - min + 1));
{ //Works around phantom bug after attachment, forces the phantom status to its opposite setting and back again
if (!phantom)
{ // if the item was originally solid, set it phantom and then back to solid
llSetStatus (PRIM_PHANTOM, TRUE); //sets status to phantom
llSetStatus (PRIM_PHANTOM, FALSE); //sets status to solid
phantomFixDone = TRUE;
} //close if original status of the item was solid
}//close set phanton status.
{ //saves the settings card
if (llGetInventoryType(".SavedSettings") == INVENTORY_NOTECARD) llRemoveInventory(".SavedSettings"); //if a card already exists remove it
list savedSettings = [originalPos, originalRot, origRezBoxPos, origRezBoxRot, relativePos, autoPickup, underGroundMovement, phantom, phantomFixDone]; //makes the list to save
osMakeNotecard(".SavedSettings", savedSettings); //writes the settings notecard
CheckSettingsCardExists(); //checks to make sure the card is written
}//close save settings
{ //saves the extra info card, used to restore the settings if the script is reset
if (seriousWarning) autoPickup = FALSE; //ensures if we are in a serious warning state that auto pickup is disabled
list settingsToSave = [rezBoxSetNumber, recordingAllowed, relativePos, autoPickup, underGroundMovement, phantom, phantomFixDone]; //makes list to save
if (llGetInventoryType(".ExtraInfo") == INVENTORY_NOTECARD) llRemoveInventory(".ExtraInfo"); //if an extra info card already exists remove it
osMakeNotecard(".ExtraInfo", settingsToSave); //saves the new card
}//close save extra info card
ProcessMenuResponse(key listenRecievedKey, string listenRecievedMessage)
{ // processes response to the menu
if (llGetOwnerKey(listenRecievedKey) == llGetOwner())
{ //come here if the user is the owner
if (listenRecievedMessage == "Update") SetPosInfo(); //updates the position information for this item
}//close if its the owner trying to use this item
}//close process menu response
{ //gets the size of the current region
vector simSizeVec = osGetRegionSize(); //get sim size vector
simSize = (integer)simSizeVec.x; // save integer from vector
}//close set sim size
{ //remove the settings cards
}//close prep re-record
MoveIntoPositon(string data)
{ //process a move to given position request from the box
list information = llCSV2List (data);
newRezBoxPos = llList2Vector(information, 0);
newRezBoxRot = llList2Rot(information, 1);
relativePos = llList2Integer(information, 2);
autoPickup = llList2Integer(information, 3);
underGroundMovement = llList2Integer(information, 4);
if (seriousWarning) autoPickup = FALSE;
CalcFinalPosRot(); //calculate the new position based on the supplied information
}//close move into position
{ //removes the exta info card allowing an item to be moved between rez boxes
llOwnerSay("Is Ready to be picked up and transfered to a new box");
}//close prep item for box exchange
UnderGroundMovement(string data)
{ //turn undergrond movement on or off based on the rez box instruction
if (data == "On") underGroundMovement = TRUE; //turn on underground movement
else if (data == "Off")underGroundMovement = FALSE; //turn off underground movement
if (seriousWarning) autoPickup = FALSE; // if we are in a serious warning state ensure auto pickup is off
SaveExtraInfoCard();//save the extra info card
}//close underground movement
ReadConfigCards(string notecardName)
{ //reads and processes the settings cards
integer notecardNameType = llGetInventoryType(notecardName); //gets the item type for the requested name
if (notecardNameType == INVENTORY_NOTECARD)
{ //come here if the requested notecard exists
integer notecardLength = osGetNumberOfNotecardLines(notecardName); //get the length of the notecard
list notecardContents = []; //define contents list and ensure its empty.
integer lineIndex;
for (lineIndex = 0; lineIndex < notecardLength; ++lineIndex)
{ //loops through the notecard line by line
notecardContents += osGetNotecardLine(notecardName, lineIndex); //add each line found to the list
//don't care about extra lines added at the end by osMakeNotecard as they are ignored later
//notecards saved by a script, so don't check for user errors
}//close loop through notecard
if (notecardName == ".ExtraInfo")
{ //come here if we are processing the extra info card (scripts have been reset while the iten is rezzed from the box)
//protection against scripts being disabled at estate level and then re-enabled
rezBoxSetNumber = llList2Integer(notecardContents,0);
recordingAllowed = llList2Integer(notecardContents,1);
relativePos = llList2Integer(notecardContents,2);
autoPickup = llList2Integer(notecardContents, 3);
underGroundMovement = llList2Integer(notecardContents, 4);
phantom = llList2Integer(notecardContents, 5);
phantomFixDone = llList2Integer(notecardContents, 6);
}//close process extra info card
else if (notecardName == ".SavedSettings")
{ //come here if we are reading the saved settings card
//happens when the item is rezzed from the box
originalPos = llList2Vector(notecardContents, 0);
originalRot = llList2Rot(notecardContents, 1);
origRezBoxPos = llList2Vector(notecardContents, 2);
relativePos = llList2Integer(notecardContents, 3);
autoPickup = llList2Integer(notecardContents, 4);
underGroundMovement = llList2Integer(notecardContents, 5);
phantom = llList2Integer (notecardContents, 6);
phantomFixDone = llList2Integer (notecardContents, 7);
}//close read settings card
if (seriousWarning) autoPickup = FALSE; //if we are in a serious warning state ensure auto pickup is off
}//close if the requested notecard exists
{ //come here if the requested notecard name is not found
llOwnerSay ("The notecard called " + notecardName + " is missing, did you remove it?"); //send warning to the user
}//close if the requested notecard is not found
}//close read settings card
{ //checks to make sure the item has copy permisiosn for its owner. If not warns and removes the items script
integer ownerPerms = llGetObjectPermMask( MASK_OWNER );
integer copyPerms = PERM_COPY;
if (! (ownerPerms & copyPerms))
{ //come here if we do not have cvopy permissions
llOwnerSay("You do not have copy permisions on this object. Packing it would likely mean you permanantly loosing it. Recording stoped. Removing this script.");
llRemoveInventory(llGetScriptName()); //removes the script
}//close if not copy permissions
}//close check for copy permissiosn
float distanceFromTarget = llVecDist(llGetPos(), endPos); //caclulate how far we are from the end position
if (distanceFromTarget >= 0.01) CheckRezLimits();
if (autoPickup && !phantomFixDone) SetPhantomStatus();
{ //start of the default state when script first starts
on_rez (integer boxNoFromRezBox)
{ //do this if the iten is rezzed
SetsimSize(); //gets the current sim siz
rezBoxSetNumber = boxNoFromRezBox; //saves the rez box number we were rezzed from
if(llGetLinkNumber() > 1) llOwnerSay("Script Only Works In The Root Prim, please place me there");
if (rezBoxSetNumber == 0) SetPosInfo(); //do this if there is no rez box number
{ //read the settings card and turn the menu off
rezBoxUUID = osGetRezzingObject();
ReadConfigCards(".SavedSettings"); //read saved settings card
MenuOnOff("Off"); //turn the menu off
llRegionSayTo(rezBoxUUID ,rezBoxComsChannel, "RezedFromBox" + "," + (string)rezBoxSetNumber);
}//close on rez
changed(integer change)
{ //come here if the link is changed
if(change & CHANGED_LINK && llGetLinkNumber() > 1) llOwnerSay("This script will only work in the root prim, please place it there");
}//close changed
{ //do this once when the script first starts
CheckForExistingScript(); //checks to see if there is a duplicate to this script and removes if there is
CheckForCopyPremissions();//checks to make sure the item has copy permissions
SetUpListeners(); //sets up the listeners
CheckExtrasCardExists(); //checks for extra info card and restores settings if found
SetsimSize(); //sets the sim size
if (rezBoxSetNumber == 0) SetPosInfo(); //if there is no rez box nunber its a fresh drop, set pos info
{ //this item has been rezzed from the box,
ReadConfigCards(".SavedSettings"); //read the settings card
MenuOnOff("Off"); //turn the menu off
}//close if rezzed from box
}//close state entry
touch_start(integer dont_care)
{ //do this if the iten is clicked
if (llDetectedKey(0) == llGetOwner() && recordingAllowed)
{ //only do this if the itenms owner is clicking
list mainMenuList = ["Update"];
llDialog(llDetectedKey(0), "Please Make your selection", mainMenuList , mainMenuChannel);
}//close if toucher is owner
}//close touch start
listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message)
{ //listens for messages based on the listeners defined
if (llGetOwnerKey(id) == llGetOwner() && id != llGetKey())
{ //only process messages if the sending item is owned by the my owner
if (channel == itemsComsChannel)
ProcessRezBoxMessage(id, message); //process coms channel messages from rez box
if (channel == mainMenuChannel) ProcessMenuResponse(id, message); //process menu chanel messages from my owner
}//close if user is our owner
}//close listen
run_time_permissions(integer perm)
{ //called if permissions are requested
{ //if attach permision requested
llDetachFromAvatar( ); //detach from avatar
}//close if attach permisions requested
}//close runtime
}//close default
Covey Rez Pro System - Items Script
==Rezzer Script==
<syntaxhighlight lang="lsl" line>
Covey Rez Pro System - Rezzor Script
Do not adjust settings below this line unless you know what you are doing!
integer itemsComsChannel = -83654730;
integer rezBoxSetNo; //sent from main script and recieved by linked messages
string instruction; //instruction recieved via linked messages
integer chatFeedback = TRUE; //used to decide if feedback is given in local chat
integer contains(string haystack, string needle)
{ //returns true if a needle is found inside the heystack
return ~llSubStringIndex(haystack, needle); //returns integer
}// close contains
MessageItems(string which, string instruction, string data, key UUID)
{ //sends a message to all items or a single item depending on the "which" string
string toSend = (string)rezBoxSetNo + "," + instruction + ":" + data;
if (which == "All") llRegionSay(itemsComsChannel, toSend); //send message to all items
else if (which == "SingleItem") llRegionSayTo(UUID, itemsComsChannel, toSend); //send message to specific item
}//closwe message items
{//code to rez the items in the rez box
if (chatFeedback) llOwnerSay("Rezzing has begun, please wait untill it tells you this is complete");
integer rezBoxIndex; //set the counter to 0
integer rezBoxItemCount = llGetInventoryNumber(INVENTORY_OBJECT); //get how many objects are in the rezzor
for (rezBoxIndex = 0; rezBoxIndex < rezBoxItemCount; ++rezBoxIndex)
llRezAtRoot(llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_OBJECT, rezBoxIndex), llGetPos(), ZERO_VECTOR, llGetRot(), rezBoxSetNo);
MessageItems("All", "RezCheck", "", "");
llMessageLinked( LINK_SET, -105145667, "ApiRezzingComplete", llGetOwner() );
if (chatFeedback) llOwnerSay("Rezzing Is Complete, item movement may take a few seconds yet");//report rezzing finished
}//close rez items
RezSingleItem(string name)
{ //rez the specified item
llRezAtRoot(name, llGetPos(), ZERO_VECTOR, llGetRot(), rezBoxSetNo);
} //closw rez single item
{ //checks to see if another copy of this script alreayd exists, if it does remove it.
string name = llGetScriptName(); // gets the current script name
integer length = llStringLength(name); // how many charcters are in this script name
string lastTwoChars = llGetSubString(name, -2 ,-1); // finds the last two characters in the name
if (lastTwoChars == " 1" )
{ // come here if the name ends with a space then the number 1 (like its been auto adjusted due to a duplicate name already existing)
string mainScriptName = llGetSubString(name, 0,length-3); //get the script name without the space and 1 at the end
integer check = llGetInventoryType(mainScriptName); //gets the inventory type of an item with name minus the tail if it exists
if (check == INVENTORY_SCRIPT)
{ //come here if a script matching the name without the tail exists come here
llRemoveInventory(mainScriptName); //remove the old script
llOwnerSay("Duplicate script detected and removed");
}//close if duplicate exists
}//close if this script name ends in " 1"
integer numScripts = llGetInventoryNumber(INVENTORY_SCRIPT); //get the number of scripts in the item after the above check
if ( numScripts > 1)
{ //come here if there are still multiple scripts in the item
integer scriptIndex;
for (scriptIndex = numScripts-1; scriptIndex >=0; --scriptIndex)
{ //loop through all scripts in this object in reverse order so if removing we don't get adujust index issues
string currentScriptName = llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_SCRIPT, scriptIndex); //gets the name of the current script index
if (currentScriptName != name)
{ //come here if we are not checking this script!. (Dont remove this script)
integer isDuplicate = contains(currentScriptName, name);
//returns true if the name of this script is contained inside the name of the script we are checking
//eg this script is "MainScript" and the script we are checking is "MainScript 1"
if (isDuplicate)
{ //come here if the found script is a duplicate of this script
llRemoveInventory(currentScriptName); //remove the duplicate script
llOwnerSay("Duplicate script detected and removed");
}//close if script is a duplicte
}//close if we are dealing with a script other than this script
}//close loop through scripts in the object
}//close if we still have more than 1 script in the objevt
}//close check for existing script
link_message(integer Sender, integer Number, string LnkMsg, key name) // This script is in the object too.
{ //listen for linked messages coming from the control script, break it down into components and save.
if (Number == 10000);
list Instructions = llCSV2List(LnkMsg); //make a list from the recieved message which is comma seperated values
instruction = llList2String(Instructions, 0); //save instruction
rezBoxSetNo = llList2Integer(Instructions, 1); //save rez box set number
if (instruction == "RezItems") RezItems(); //check instruction and rez items if told to.
if (instruction == "RezSingleItem")
{ // convert the key to a string and call rez single item method
string nameToRez = (string)name;
}//close rez single item
if (instruction == "ChatFeedBack")
{ //set the chat feedback to true or false based on the key field
if (name == "On") chatFeedback = TRUE;
else if (name == "Off") chatFeedback = FALSE;
}//close if instruction is chat feeback
}//close if number is 100000
}//close linked mesage
}//close default
Covey Rez Pro System
Full instructions in the accompanying notecard
==Syntax Highlighting==

Navigation menu