User:Sara Diamond

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About Sara

Sara Diamond is the Avatar of Sara Payne) who is the owner and operator of the Fire And Ice Grid. She has been in virtual worlds since 2004 and has run real-world local businesses during the same time period.

The Fire And Ice Opensim grid combine her experience in local business and virtual worlds to bring you a personal touch in the metaverse.

In addition to her two businesses, Sara is a student at the University of Hull working towards a Meng in Computer Science. From scratch, she set up the Fire And Ice grid's services and is also responsible for all maintenance. Unlike many other opensimulator grids, there are no third-party management companies involved.

As a grid owner, Sara is keen to be seen as friendly, approachable and fair. Making opensimulator accessible and affordable for as many people as possible is a key goal. She also believes in giving her customers the freedom to create their dreams without interference. The Fire And Ice Grid is managed unobtrusively, with region owners given as much freedom as possible.

Sara also believes in the open-source nature of opensim. She is keen to see opensimulator grids help and promote each other. Other grids are welcome to approach and talk about collaborations or any other aspect of opensim. Many posts about the technical side of opensimulator are available on Sara's Personal blog. In contrast, the Fire And Ice Grid blog focuses on the grid itself.

Fire And Ice's services are under constant development. Over the last year, robust proven backup systems have been put into place. Additionally, crash detention and recovery has been set up to reduce downtime and increase stability. Looking to the future there is active development of the grids web services underway.

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